Friday, May 6, 2016

The Jabez Turn-Around

Friday 6 May
READ: 1 Chron 4: 9 -10
MORE LESSON: Psa 145: 18 - 20

One woman gave birth one day and decided for whatever reason to name the child 'Sorrow.' The boy grew to hear everyone call him Jabez – which means 'Sorrow'. Imagine how sorrowful he grew up to become just by hearing everyone call him 'Sorrow'. There was nothing he laid his hands upon that succeeded and the name just followed him everywhere. One day he decided that he had had enough of sorrow in his life, so he did something simple but profound; ...and Jabez called on the God of Israel ....: 1 Chron 4:10. The reason many have not seen the hand of God is that they have not passionately and sincerely called on Him without any sense of seeking for any other alternatives. Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, …Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested: 1 Chron 4:10 (NKJV).
God granted him every bit of his request and he had a new beginning in life. Joy, love, happiness, success and prosperity began to happen to him. The boy that was the outcast of the family and the town began to do well and prosper. When you cross-reference with 1 Chron. 2 : 55, And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez . . . , you will discover that Jabez became so great that a city was named after him. A man that was tagged hopeless and useless from birth by all, including his mother, became a generational phenomenon.
Whatever your present situation, when you invite God, He will cause a turn-around. The kind of turn-around that happened to Jabez is available to anyone that will call on God through prayer in the name of Jesus. You may say, ‘Oh no you don't know how serious my situation is’. I may not know but at least I know your mother didn't name you 'Sorrow'. If things could turn around for Jabez, I assure you that you stand a greater chance.
All that Jabez did was that he made contact with the God of Israel and that is all you need to do as well. The person that is praying and still adding other little things that are contrary to the Word of God will never find God's help. God wants 100% of your trust, 99.99% is not good enough, The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth: Psa. 145:18. Call on Him with the whole of your heart, do not accommodate any alternative that you have reserved in case God doesn't act or He is too slow for your liking. It is your turn for a turn-around.

* I receive divine intervention over every sorrowful situation, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray and ask God to turn around your destiny to good, in Jesus’ name.

This month as the Lord lives, I shall not die,( physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, matrimonially or in any way) in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Blessing of Righteousness

Thursday 5 May
READ: Isa. 3: 10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 128: 1 - 6

The Bible says, Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him….: Isa. 3:10. It means that when you live a life that is right with God, blessings are your portion in life. It is good to live in righteousness but it is better to live in righteousness with the revelation of its reward. From today, don't just be righteous religiously, expect lines to fall for you in pleasant places as a consequence of your right living. For every good work and commitment to God in this world, you should have an expectation of reward in life here and eternity.
It is powerful to be righteous with revelation. It shall be well with the righteous for they shall eat the fruit of their doings: Isa 3:10. This implies that when people are cheating in examination hall and you stay true to God, don't think you are missing in the action as the price of being a good Christian, rather expect to excel all of them in good grades. In the same way, when people are changing figures and being dubious in business and you hold to God's standards, don't even feel as if you are denying yourself anything. Instead, expect God to prosper you so much that you will have more than them all. Believe that they will still come to beg from you to give them out of your abundance when the money they steal is exhausted. There is a blessing that goes with being righteous. Expect it as you stand for God.
David understood this in Psalm 128 and pointed out that the man who walks in the fear of the Lord will be happy and prosperous. His entire family will also be blessed because of him. He will eat of the labour of his hand. From today everything that makes you labour without result comes to an end. Happiness and well-being become your portion, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Another side to the blessing of the righteous is that nobody can curse him. God has already sent a word ahead of you that you are blessed. Whoever curses you is wasting his time. In fact, such a person is courting the curse of the Almighty because whoever curses you is cursed (Gen 12: 3). Decades ago, a man beat his chest and said that he would curse me. He said that the birds of the air would cry for me in 24 hours. I knew that as I walk right with my God and serve Him, no man can curse me. The curses were swallowed by God's blessings. Both the man and the birds that he said would cry are all dead now while I am powerfully blessed by God. The man that will curse you doesn't exist. The witch that plans to attack you will die before the day. You are the righteous one of the Lord, it is well with you.

* Speak to your situation, it shall be well and end well, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the commanded blessing of the righteous in my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, this month, You will make me to hear joy and gladness and even my broken bones shall rejoice! in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sent to Deliver

Wednesday 4 May
READ: Psa 107: 20
MORE LESSON: Matt 8: 5 - 13

There is so much power in the Word of God. The greatest fact about the power of God's Word is that it is not limited by time, space or geography. The Word written thousands of years ago is still potent today to do miracles in your life. Psalm 107: 20 says, He sent his word, and he healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. The Word of God is so powerful that you don't have to be physically present to use it to address a situation. A lady in our assembly had an elder sister in the U.S.A. whose baby was paralysed due to a heart condition. She couldn't travel to America to attend to the situation so she did what she knew best to do. She came for prayers in church and we sent the Word of God from Nigeria to the baby in the US. The following day we heard the great news that the baby just stood up and started walking. I have seen a lot of miracles happen through the sending of God's Word that it is actually beyond doubt for me that healing at whatever distance is obtainable by sending the Word of God.
This is what the centurion in Matt 8: 5 – 13 knew that made Jesus to salute his faith. While many were approaching Jesus and trying to drag Him to their house for one miracle or the other, the centurion had enough understanding to know that Jesus didn't need to be physically present. The Word of God is powerful enough to deliver results at any distance. Be it in spiritual warfare, healing, deliverance, financial breakthrough, provision, fruitfulness or any other intervention you want, just send the Word of God on errand and you will hear news come back of what the Lord has done.
The speed of the Word is faster than the speed of light. Its power is more potent than the atomic bomb. All you need to do is to believe that the Word of God in your mouth will go where you have sent it and deliver results. Speak and rest in faith that it will happen just as you have said. The power in the Word is incredible, this is why you must be filled with the Word. Read it, meditate on it and speak it out. You have light, strength and victory daily as you get the Word of God. But do not stop at ingesting the Word, speak it out. Send it on errands and see the wonders that are capable of happening when you release the Word to situations both far and near.

* Today I send the Word like fire and hammer against any altar of evil raised against me.
* Oh God, let the word that I speak today bring life to any deadness in my life and destiny.

I declare the doors of progress and victory opened in the month of May, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Key to Destiny 2

Tuesday 3 May
READ: Matt. 16:19
MORE LESSON: Isa. 22:22

In Isa. 22: 22, the Lord speaks about giving the key of David which enables you to open and nobody can lock, and when you lock nobody can open. The Lord also says in that scripture that He will lay that key upon your shoulder. According to Isa. 9: 6, the shoulder is the resting place of government and dominion. So the key that the Lord is giving you is to equip you with the authority and dominion to reign in destiny. There is a key to each year and each month of the year. There is a key to everything and anything you seek in life and the truth is that, when you have that key, you have access to every desirable contained inside that place. When Jesus was born, the prophecy about him said, ...and she shall bring forth a son . . . for he shall save his people from their sins: Matt 1:21. So Jesus is the key to salvation. He is the key to eternal life and every good thing that you seek.
After receiving Jesus who is the key to fulfilling destiny, another key you need is the key of divine purpose. Your assignment in life is a divine key that the Lord has given you for relevance and greatness in the Kingdom and on earth. One of the greatest discoveries a man can make in life is to discover his purpose in life. It is not enough to have a key in the presence of a door, it is important to have the right key. You will struggle before a door if you don't have a key and similarly you will struggle even more if you hold the wrong key. Your purpose is your personal key, customised for you to unlock everything packaged in destiny. Do not go around trying to be like someone else or imitating what people are doing. Stay and discover your purpose and pursue it diligently. The grace, wealth, strength and success you need in life are inside your purpose. God does not do anything without a purpose. He created you for a purpose and kept you alive for a purpose. A man on God's purpose for his life is stronger than all opposition of men and demons. This is because when a man walks in the assignment of God for his life, God puts all the security, defence and divine immunity he needs in place.
When a man functions in divine purpose and fulfils divine assignment, he commands earth's and Heaven's attention. Matt 16:19, says, I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. As you fulfil your assignment in God's Kingdom doors will open for you taking you to great places this year, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, give me the key that unlocks today’s mystery, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit of God, help me to walk and work in purpose and calling today.
* Today I shall hear the voice of the Lord for divine direction, in Jesus’ name.

All that heaven have fixed for me in the month of May shall not be denied or stolen from me, in the name of Jesus.