Tuesday 3 May
READ: Matt. 16:19
MORE LESSON: Isa. 22:22
In Isa. 22: 22, the Lord speaks about giving the key of David which enables you to open and nobody can lock, and when you lock nobody can open. The Lord also says in that scripture that He will lay that key upon your shoulder. According to Isa. 9: 6, the shoulder is the resting place of government and dominion. So the key that the Lord is giving you is to equip you with the authority and dominion to reign in destiny. There is a key to each year and each month of the year. There is a key to everything and anything you seek in life and the truth is that, when you have that key, you have access to every desirable contained inside that place. When Jesus was born, the prophecy about him said, ...and she shall bring forth a son . . . for he shall save his people from their sins: Matt 1:21. So Jesus is the key to salvation. He is the key to eternal life and every good thing that you seek.
After receiving Jesus who is the key to fulfilling destiny, another key you need is the key of divine purpose. Your assignment in life is a divine key that the Lord has given you for relevance and greatness in the Kingdom and on earth. One of the greatest discoveries a man can make in life is to discover his purpose in life. It is not enough to have a key in the presence of a door, it is important to have the right key. You will struggle before a door if you don't have a key and similarly you will struggle even more if you hold the wrong key. Your purpose is your personal key, customised for you to unlock everything packaged in destiny. Do not go around trying to be like someone else or imitating what people are doing. Stay and discover your purpose and pursue it diligently. The grace, wealth, strength and success you need in life are inside your purpose. God does not do anything without a purpose. He created you for a purpose and kept you alive for a purpose. A man on God's purpose for his life is stronger than all opposition of men and demons. This is because when a man walks in the assignment of God for his life, God puts all the security, defence and divine immunity he needs in place.
When a man functions in divine purpose and fulfils divine assignment, he commands earth's and Heaven's attention. Matt 16:19, says, I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. As you fulfil your assignment in God's Kingdom doors will open for you taking you to great places this year, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, give me the key that unlocks today’s mystery, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit of God, help me to walk and work in purpose and calling today.
* Today I shall hear the voice of the Lord for divine direction, in Jesus’ name.
All that heaven have fixed for me in the month of May shall not be denied or stolen from me, in the name of Jesus.
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