Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Power 2

Sunday 8 May
READ: Gen. 31:22 - 29
MORE LESSON: Ps.18:16 - 19

Power is the ability to get things done. When God gives you the power to do a thing, such a thing becomes possible for you. What you need in every area of your life is power from the Lord to perform in those areas.
In talking about the need for power, it is also important to point out that there are different sources from where men get power and that power is in levels. Like it is commonly said in Nigeria, 'Power pass power’. Jesus said, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Luke 10:19. So Jesus acknowledged that the enemy has power but He gave us power over the power of the enemy. When you exercise that power over their own, no matter what they do, you over-rule them.
Recently a president lost election and was to hand over to a new government but before the day of the handover, he removed many people from office and appointed new ones. The incoming administration and the people started complaining that the president was appointing so many people into key positions even when he knew he was almost out of office. The president knew that he had power to do whatever he wanted to do even till the second before he handed over. That is the meaning of the statement “He is in power”, as long as he was in power he could do and undo till the last minute. Until a man gets out of power, he is still in power. Your enemy will be ‘out of power’, in Jesus’ name.
Even a man in power can be stopped from performing. The only bridle to a man in power is a higher power. When Jacob left the house of Laban and was going back to his family in Canaan, Laban, who was more powerful than him, pursued him to harm him. Jacob had taken his wives, children and possessions and sneaked away from Laban and when Laban discovered that, he decided he was going to deal with Jacob. He pursued him with armed men but by the time he caught up with Jacob, he had become soft. The reason for his behaviour was stated, It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad: Gen 31:29. He had power to harm Jacob but a superior power cornered him and prevented him from harming him. So Jacob would have been a dead man if not that a superior power intervened and saved him. The highest power is the power of God and it will stop all your powerful enemies from performing against you, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, grant me power to win every strong enemy of my life, in Jesus’ name.
* By the authority in the name of Jesus I trample upon everything that exalts itself against me.

I cut off all umbilical cords through which evil flows into my flesh, in the name of Jesus.


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