Thursday 19 May
READ: Prov. 3:7
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37:3; 118:9
A lot of people, including believers, are master schemers. They are experts at sitting down to scheme out how to get everything they want. It is not wrong to plan but you should never scheme God out of the equation of your life. When you know what, where and how to do to get everything you want and you forget to factor God into the picture, then you are trusting in yourself. Many times, believers would have gone ahead to map out strategies and make connections before they even remember to pray. They only remember to pray to appease their conscience with God, not out of trust. A person really trusting in God will first think about God and come to Him before mapping out any line of action. It is in the place of prayer that he will develop strategies and plans on how to go about the situation. I want you to know that even when you trust in God, you will work with plans and take actions, but those plans and actions should be developed from a posture of trust in God and from the place of prayer, not mere mental calculation.
Prov 3:7 says, Be not wise in thine own eyes.... There are so many people that claim to trust God but truly they have their own arrangements and gimmicks that they have schemed. Whatever you are doing contrary to the Word puts you out of the place of trust in the Lord. The Bible says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding: Prov 3:5 So each time you allow your senses to prevail and you are scheming up things that are not in accordance with the Scripture, you are not trusting God.
Do not lean on your understanding; do not look for alternative methods to what God has said. Do not scheme out methods contrary to the Bible. You do not need to run helter-shelter seeking for men when you say you are trusting God. Stay calm, God will bring the person He has ordained to help you. To fully trust, you must have stayed from fear because fear and trust do not work together. Prov 29:25 says, The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Finally in trusting God you must stay and abide by the conditions of the Word of God. A person who is living in sin cannot claim to be waiting for and trusting in God. You must rid yourself of sin that nullifies your claimed trust in God. You do this by accepting forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and henceforth align your life with the principles of God. Then will the Lord rise for you and hear you when you call Him.
* Father, help me to always wait on You in all my decisions and no more will I take a step ahead of You, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I subject my reasoning and scheming to You to be aligned with Your will, in Jesus’ name.
By the blood of Jesus, I decree that regular, repeated tragedies shall not be my portion this year, in the name of Jesus.
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