Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The God of Help

Tuesday 31 May
READ: Isa. 41: 10 – 16
MORE LESSON: Psa. 121: 1 – 6

One vital determinant of the quality of help a man obtains in destiny is the issue of who is giving the help. This is why I want to introduce you to the God of help. He is the God who put the universe together in six days. If He can create the entire universe in six days, then helping you cannot be too difficult for Him. Consider His promise to you, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand: Isa 41:10 (NIV). Your help is bigger than man; it has its root in the Creator of Heaven and earth. This is the reason you should not look unto men but unto the Omnipotent God who, when He helps you, causes men to help you. Psa. 121: 1 says: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He promised that He will not suffer your foot to be moved. . When the God of help stands by you, your feet are steady and your steps do not stagger in the race of life (Psa. 18: 36). This means that no one can remove you when He has planted you. The enemy might even set ambush for you but divine help makes you outwit them as you operate above natural faculties. God's help in dealing with your enemies is expressed in Isa 41: 11(NIV): All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. I declare that God will help you to the point that your enemy will be confounded and all that are waiting for your steps to stagger will wait in vain.
The God of your help neither slumbers nor sleeps. When you are asleep and the enemies are shooting their arrows, there is One who is awake 24 hours a day throughout eternity watching over you. So you have a Helper that doesn't sleep and is working while you sleep. The enemy specialises in attacking while men sleep (Matt 13: 25) but the enemy is inconsequential even when you are asleep because your Helper doesn't sleep. This is the reason the sun will not smite you by the day or the moon by night (Psa. 121: 6-7). You also do not need to be afraid of the terror by night; nor the arrow that flies by day (Psa. 91: 6). Day or night, your Helper doesn't fail.
There shall be no accident, misfortune, violence or plague around you this year. The God who has been our help in ages past will continue to be your portion in the land of the living. Stay with this God, and don’t seek or follow another god, Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips: Psa. 16:4.

* I receive help from Your sanctuary, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, I set my face on You as a flint, let my help not fail, in Jesus’ name.
* I position myself for God’s help today, in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank you for the covenant of long life by which you have kept and sustained me since the beginning of this year, I declare, it shall not be stolen in the name of Jesus!

Monday, May 30, 2016

God in the Midst of You

Monday 30 May
READ: Psa. 46: 1 – 5
MORE LESSON: Zeph. 3: 17

Many times in life we tell ourselves that God's help is not coming when we expect it to come. I want to let you know today that if it is God, He is never late. The Scripture says, There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early: Psa. 46: 4-5.
God is in the midst of her to help her right early but when you consider this river that the Lord is in the midst of to help, you would notice in verse 3 that the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof: Psa. 46:3. So the fact that your situation is raging and it looks like everything is in an uproar doesn't mean that God is not with you. Many times we don't see God in our troubles, but the Bible says He is in our midst, The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing: Zeph 3:17.
The reason Nigeria is still intact today, despite the machinations of the enemy, is because God is in her midst; though there were shakings, we were not removed. When God is in the midst of your home, it will not scatter. When God is in the midst of your business, it will not close down. When God is in the midst of your circumstances, it doesn't matter the troubles, shakings and the turmoil happening, you cannot be removed. All the prediction of the enemy concerning your life this year will be turned to naught. I pray for you that whatever has said you will be removed is made a liar, in Jesus’ name.
God is not just in the midst of her to see that she is not removed but He is there to help her. He helps her right early; God is not limited by the timing on the face of the earth. When He is done with His work in the spirit, time must respond to birthing the end product of that work. He makes all things beautiful in His time. If that thing you are expecting is from God, then wait for the time God has earmarked for it and it will show up. Age or status, be it educational, economic or marital can never be a limitation to God. Trust God and wait for Him for He that will come will surely come. God is never late; He will help you right early and you will not be moved.

* Today, and for the rest of my life, I receive early help from Christ.
* Father, You promised to be with me in trouble, water and in fire, so let it be concerning me, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father, as this month closes, I decree that every calendar of evil prepared by satanic kingdoms against my future be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Divine Supply

Sunday 29 May
READ: Deut 29: 5 – 6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 23: 1 - 6

God led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land through the wilderness for forty years. There was no market, hospital, bank, school or farm in the wilderness but the provisions of God sustained these millions of pilgrims. They didn't have to buy or bake bread before they ate. They didn't need to buy new shoes or clothes. They didn't need drugs or hospital; divine health was their perpetual portion. They had divine supply; God is willing and able to supernaturally supply all that you need. He supplied Israel's financial and health needs without a bank or hospital as recorded in the Scripture, He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes: Psa. 105:37 (NKJV).
God is the Supplier that can meet all needs. In God's divine supply, you do not need to worry about tomorrow or increased needs because as needs and responsibilities increase, so also does His supply. This is the reason the Israelites walked from Egypt to Israel for forty years and they didn't need to buy shoes or clothes because the shoes and clothes they had on were growing with them. God's reservoir never runs dry; His supply grows as your need grows.
A few years ago, after a series of consecutive preaching meetings, I set out to travel to the United States. At the airport, I noticed that all my strength was
gone. I felt like I was going to collapse as I was so tired that carrying a cup of water to drink seemed like a monumental task to me. The flight was to take several hours, and I was already uncomfortable and tired before take-off. So I started contemplating cancelling the trip and going back home. It was at that point that one of the officials approached me and told me that he used to attend our church when he was in Zaria.
Immediately I heard that I was energised. The man checked my ticket and told me that I had flown with that airline so many times that I was qualified for some upgrade. I was actually given a high priority ticket and I was to join the priority line and receive special treatment. The man changed my travel class and I sat in a very comfortable place. As soon as I sat down, someone came to ask what I would like to eat. I received an exceptionally comfortable treatment. The Lord actually went ahead to make a provision for the comfort of my journey.
It is not everyone that is given the same treatment in life, and there are people that are on the priority list. When God wants to give you access to divine supply, He makes you to be on His priority list. From today, God will change your class, put you on His priority list and give you access to unlimited supply, in Jesus’ name.

* I claim Psalm 23 for my life and family today and forever.
* Like the breath of the air, my source of supply shall be ceaseless, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command all satanic evil records and hand writings programmed to delay, detain, and abort my successes to be nullified, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

When your Friend Says No

Saturday 28 May
READ: Luke 11:5-10
MORE LESSON: Luke 18:1-7

There are three lessons to learn from the Scripture reading today about relationships.

1) Answer to request from dear friends may not be instant, although true friends are not known to refuse each other's request in very difficult circumstance. The passage reveals that there would be times when dear friends could be at a crossroads in attending to one another's needs. Let it be registered in your heart this day that there could be times in your life that dear friends may answer you from within; they will neither come out to see you nor refuse to open the door for you to come into their houses. When you are at such a crossroads, you must manage the situation with wisdom. Some people easily get pissed off, go away angrily from their friend and destroy the relationship while others may plan vengeance against their friend. This passage shows that there is a way to get as much as you want from a friend even if he initially does not intend to grant your request.

2) Sometimes you carry the burdens of others, which become very tasking and humiliating. The friend who was making a request at midnight was doing so because a friend of his came to him at an odd hour. The friend came at a time when he had nothing to set before him. Wanting to meet the need of his friend, he went to another friend of his, and that one answered from within: 'Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and attend to you’. What do you do when you are humiliated for seeking to help someone? Do you give it up or refrain from pursing the good to a logical conclusion? To what extent can you go in pursuing other people's needs even when you are being insulted?

3) When this friend was refused at first instance, he did not give up. He did not consider his friend's remark as insolence; he kept knocking and pleading. Jesus thereafter remarked that though he would not rise and give him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs (Luke 11:8).

When you persist on your request, you will get as much as you need. Whatever you may not get based on relationship is very possible with persistence. Know for sure that the toughest of men will give in to your request in the face of persistence. This was the message Jesus passed across in Luke 18:1-5. Next time someone says no to your critical request, don't be perturbed, rude or frustrated. Don't give in to compromise; only be persistent in righteousness, So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened : Luke 11:9-10.

* Lord, help me to persist in righteousness until my answer comes.
* Dear Lord, help me to be a true friend who stands for others in their critical hour of need.

From henceforth, I shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble, in the name of Jesus.