Sunday 14 August
READ: Prov. 11: 24 – 26
The laws of God are not the same with the laws of men. Isa. 55: 9 says, ...the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (NKJV). The way of God might be contrary to the ways of men but we must know that His way is superior.
In the world of economics and accounting, the way to have more money is to gather, accumulate and hoard what you have. However, in God's world, the way to have more is to let go of what you have. According to Prov 11: 24, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. When you refuse to scatter what you have so that others can benefit from it, you have just signed to be poor. Economics tells you to conserve but that philosophy is the key to poverty. There are people who spent all their life gathering and they eventually die without benefiting from what they have gathered. When God gives to you, take what you need out of it and share the remaining with others. There is no need to keep amassing more than you need, be a giver and distributor who is a blessing to people.
Even in business, the secret of prosperity is in scattering and not hoarding. Prov 11: 26 says that the people will curse him who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it. You must determine to be a blessing to people with your service and product and not merely focus on gathering cut-throat profit at the detriment of people. When your service and product generously help the people to solve their problems, you will be blessed as you offer them. The secret of increase is in giving and scattering and not keeping and hoarding. When all you do is gather money at the detriment of people and good service, you will eventually lose the people and become poor. Abundant life is in giving.
You must focus on distributing, giving and being a blessing. When you are a blessing you will be blessed. According to Prov 11:25, The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself (NKJV). The water-pipe that delivers water from the supply board to the homes will also have its inside wet because it is distributing water. So as long as water must be distributed, the pipe will be wet. When you become the distributor, you will always have.
* Ask God for grace to please Him always.
* Lord, I choose to be Your favourite. Please help me.
* Pray that you will find favour with God and men.
No evil eye, hand, thought, imagination, or mouth is permitted any more over my destiny, I shall walk in victory, in the name of Jesus.