Saturday 13 August
READ: Prov. 23: 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 127: 1 - 2
Psalm 24: 1 says, The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. This shows that everything men possess on earth actually belongs to God as He is the bona fide Land-Lord of the universe. When you understand the implication of this scripture, you will stop running helter-skelter in life. This means that no matter the gimmicks a man engages in, he cannot have anything except God lets him have it. John 3: 27 says, ...A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. The best wisdom in succeeding and prospering in life is to rest in God and seek to know how to follow His ways. Otherwise, a man can struggle, sweat, steal, burgle and do everything to acquire things and still at the end has nothing to show for it. Prov. 23:4 advises, Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. The point is to remove the mindset that hussles around to acquire things without resting in the grace of God from you. It is better to connect in faith to the principles of the Owner of the whole world than to toil from beginning to end of life without having time for the Almighty God because you want to have things – the very things which belong to Him.
If the Bible says 'labour not to be rich' and the same Bible wants you to be rich, then there must be a provision it has for your riches other than your labour. God's provision for your riches is connection to the Owner. When you personally become His heir and learn the principles of tapping ceaselessly from His resources, then you have the legal right to be blessed no matter where you live on the face of the earth. Therefore, if you are desirous of riches and you want to possess the things that your money cannot give you, the way is not to labour ceaselessly to obtain things but rather to labour to be connected to the Owner of all things. It is deception to think that the way to go in life is to go after money all your life and use it to purchase and own all that you want. People have tried that and they are now old and still they never got it. You do not need to labour to be rich; just labour to be connected to God who owns the earth, and all that is in it flows to you. The labour of connection is not burdensome. All it involves is to invite Jesus into your life and after giving your life to Him, discover His principles and start living by them. The best way to own all things is to become a child of the Owner of all things and live by His principles of connection and flow.
* Ask God for the grace not to acquire wealth to the detriment of your spiritual well-being, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to be directed by the Spirit of the Lord to where your land is flowing with milk and honey.
I prophesy against the arrows, missiles and spells from any evil altar against me, in the name of Jesus.
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