Monday 29 August
READ: Isa. 40:18-31
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:31
One of the things the world is struggling with right now is how to overcome and cub stress. People are easily fatigued and tensed probably due to stress. Stress, fatigue and lack of rest are major issues confronting the working class of any society today. It is as if we don't have twenty four hours again because by the end of the day, you still find out that you have not finished what you planned to do that day. This is despite the fact that you have stretched yourself so much in the day.
Our choice today is not whether we will experience weariness or not, but what we will be weary about. Some people experience so much stress as a result of worry, fear and bitterness. Nothing saps a man of strength and agility like worry and fear. So to overcome weariness and stress, we must overcome sins that easily beset us. Heb. 12:1 says, ... let us lay aside every weight..., worry, fear, unforgiveness, bitterness are weights that easily sap people’s strength. On the contrary, we must exercise patience, which conserves strength and energy, makes a man feel fresh at all times and is the secret of strength in trouble. When we allow the Lord a place in our daily issues, negative feelings will no longer dominate us and we can use our God-given energy to serve God in areas we are capable. Our Creator also anticipates weariness in His finite creatures and promises to renew our strength if we wait on Him.
God's people sometimes suffer fatigue and even exhaustion and today's reading acknowledges that. He also understands that our need for strength like our need for food, is not a once for all provision; it is often needed. Someone said, “Ïf you are weary in life's race and driven by its hurried pace, then learn to wait upon the Lord: His strength will be your sure reward”. We must know that God gives strength in proportion to the strain. No wonder, the Bible says, God will not tempt us beyond that which we can bear, but will provide a way out of every difficulty situation. Prov. 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord all your; lean not unto thine own understanding. As you lean on the Lord, depending on Him for all your strength, you will begin to discover such tremendous strength and might that is far beyond what man can understand.
* Father, thank You because I have an unfailing strength in You, in Jesus’ name
* I refuse stress and weariness of the body and spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I put on my full strength and from now I will never be weak again, in Jesus’ name.
Jesus, You are the light that the enemy cannot comprehend, continue to shine through me, in the name of Jesus.
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