Tuesday 9 August
READ: II Kings 4: 1 – 8
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3: 13 - 14
People live in poverty and perpetual debt because they are always looking outside to somebody to give them what they need in life. A beggar will always lack; a man who believes that someone out there is responsible for his well being in life will always live in poverty because he will never look inside to discover the wealth that is in him. Any time you have a need of money and you start to think of people you could go to and receive money, you have missed the key to riches. Your default setting should rather be to look inward and search for what you can do that will bring you money.
We started yesterday to examine the story of the widow in 2 Kings 4: 1 – 8, she needed money and the prophet pointed her attention to the fact that there must be something inside her house that was the key to her prosperity. She, like many others, first claimed that she had nothing that could bring wealth but then she remembered that she had little oil. The oil is the symbol of ability, anointing, skill and grace. I want you to know that there is a miracle in your house. There is a little something inside you that can bring about the abundance that you desperately cry for and are looking up to people to give you. When she eventually agreed that she had something little that she could use, the prophet of God told her to go and get vessels from her neighbours because the little vessels in her house could not contain the wealth miracle that was about to happen. This implies that her present capacity was not enough for the level of wealth she wanted. She needed to go to her neighbours for capacity development. She needed to go and get more information, counsel and strategies from people that already had oil vessels. Don't beg people for money, beg them for vessels. Getting more vessels means capacity development. You need to develop that little thing in you by consulting experts and going for more training where necessary.
After getting more vessels, she stayed with her sons in the house and filled the vessels with oil. She developed her skill and capacity, polished and packaged it. Then the prophet told her, ...Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest: 2 Kings 4:7. You will notice the prophet told her to go and sell the oil and not to give it out. God is not against you making profit from the ability in you. In fact He gave you so that you and your children can live on it.
* Ask God to bless your gifts/talents and cause them to enrich you, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to grant you divine enablement to utilise your abilities, gifts, profession etc to launch you to limelight, in Jesus’ name.
I receive God's grace to function in this new month, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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