Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Great Rain

Saturday 20 August
READ: I Kgs. 18:1-2. 41-46
MORE LESSON: Gen. 7:18-19

Rain, the outpouring of water from the sky is always a great blessing to mankind. Whenever God sends rain upon the earth famine and dryness come to an end, there is beauty and fruitfulness and man and beast rejoice (Act. 14:17). However, God has used rain for other several reasons outside of provision.
At the time of Noah, God sent rain to separate and distinguish obedient people from disobedient ones. God had sent rain in times past to end men's trouble and put an end to enmity between people and every great rain results in a flood.
In our text, today, God says, I will send rain upon the earth: v1. This is a sure Word from God. And as God has done, I speak to you now: Your heaven is thick with clouds of abundant rain of God's goodness which is falling upon your destiny right now, in Jesus' name. The wind you have been experiencing is actually for a particular rain that God is bringing your way. Get ready. Like Ahab, arise and prepare for the rain because it is now.
However, may be you also need to do like Elijah the prophet to have it; he had to pray to get it. Noah had to build an ark according to God's prescription to fully benefit and avert being destroyed, when God's rain of wrath fell, And the waters prevailed and greatly increased: Gen. 7:18. When water prevailed upon the earth, it could not prevail over Noah's ark because he moved in obedience to God's instruction, but rather, the ark prevailed upon the water, The ark went upon the face of the water. As you stay in obedience to God, and His Word, you are sure to prevail over that which prevails over others, you cannot be a victim but a victor.
The Word of God must prevail in every situation of your life. What should matter to you in all situations is, “Thus saith the Lord' and that is how to stay above when others are sinking. When the water was fifteen cubits upward (Gen. 7:20), the water only lifted Noah and his family above everything by 15 cubits. Noah stayed above every other thing for 150 days. When we live in complete obedience to God's Word, we live in a possibility realm, no matter what is happening elsewhere.

* Father, help me to do according to all Your commandments, in Jesus' name.
* Father, let the earth be broken for me and let Heaven be opened for me.
* In the flood of life, Lord Jesus, let my ark float.

I have a God that has never failed, I shall never fail any more, in the name of Jesus.


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