Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Final Appointment

Tuesday 16 August
READ: : Luk. 16:19-31
MORE LESSON: Heb. 9:27

Death is a leveller, it happens to all. It is not only the poor or the needy that die, the rich also die, And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: Lk. 16:22. We all have an appointment with our Maker, whether we are ready for it or not depends on what we do for Jesus now.
There was this story of an ambulance driver who indulged in alcohol trying to warm himself on a rainy Saturday morning by drinking on the job. He didn't get warm, but actually got lost with the corpse in the ambulance on the way to the cemetery. The funeral procession waited in vain at the grave for hours. Late that evening, the police found the driver asleep in the ambulance by the way side. By then it was too late for the burial, and the cemetery wouldn't accept the casket on Sunday. On Monday, the news paper reported that the body of the 82 years old woman was finally laid to rest two days late for the final appointment. But I am sure you know that appointment was kept right on time. The late burial did not alter the fact that her conscious soul had passed into eternity precisely at God's appointed time.
As Lazarus was carried immediately by the angels to Abraham's bosom and the ungodly rich man to hell will keep repeating itself until Christ comes, and will be true of every one of us. For the child of God, death immediately lifts the spirit into the presence of God (II Cor. 5:8). Death instantly closes the door to Heaven and opens another to Christless eternity called ”hell” where the unbelievers begin their eternity in torment of fire.
Someday, you will have to leave here and when you do, where will you be? That is, those who died on earth without Jesus will have to die again and shall have their part in the lake of fire. It is either that you are born again and stay born again or die again, “the second death” (Rev. 21:8). Choose to be born again so that you will not die again. You can do it right now! Say, Lord Jesus, I acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour, save me now, forgive me my many sins, have mercy on me, give me power not to sin again and write my name in the Lamb book of Life. Thank You for saving me, now I'm born again and a candidate for Heaven when I die. One more step to take is to look for a believer in Christ to share your experience with immediately so that he will guide you on how to live your new life.

* O Father, help me to keep my salvation experience to the end.
* Sin no longer has dominion over me, in Jesus’ name.
* Jesus, the Saviour of everyone in the world, save those who need salvation today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

I receive the seal of the Holy Ghost to walk through a troop and leap over a wall without harm, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Obedience and Service

Monday 15 August
READ: Job 36: 11
MORE LESSON: Luke 12: 43- 48

Obedience and service are a twin-set of virtues that will take a man to the high places of life. Prosperity in the Kingdom is linked to obedience and service. Isa. 1: 19 says, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. This scripture points to us the power of obedience to the ways of God in making a man prosperous. As Job also declared, If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures: Job 36:11.
Psa. 23 shows the prosperity that follows a man when God is his shepherd. Being a sheep connotes obedience; sheep follow the shepherd's leading. When you obey the words of the Great Shepherd, you will move forward into prosperity. Success and progress is sure when you walk in covenant with God. A covenant is an agreement between two or more parties where each party has terms and conditions to obey. As a covenant child of God, you have to obey the terms that are revealed in His Word, only then is your success guaranteed.
Disobedience is terrible; it causes stagnation in life. In Jer. 7: 23 – 24, the Lord warned, I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you. But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward (NIV). Retrogression, stagnancy and hardship characterise a life of disobedience to God.
Psa. 89:20-21 shows the blessing of serving God, I have found David my servant; with my sacred oil I have anointed him. My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him (NIV). David was a servant and that was why God committed Himself to exalting him. When you serve God with all your might, you are on the pathway to the high places of life.
Service must be accompanied by obedience. There are some people that want to serve God but on their own terms and to suit their own methods. It is not enough to be a servant of God or a worker in His vineyard, you must be a servant that obeys. Luke 12: 47 says that a servant who knows his master's will, and does not do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. This refers to a man who was serving quite all right but he was not doing so according to the master's will. So he still was beaten with many stripes. Today as you purpose to serve God with all your ability and obey His instructions with all your heart, you will increase in every area of life, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, as I obey and serve You, I shall spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, you found David, find me and anoint me with Your Holy oil for Your work and cause Your hand to sustain me, in Jesus’ name.

This new week, I shall not be a victim in any battle, I shall win and walk tall, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

He that Scattereth

Sunday 14 August
READ: Prov. 11: 24 – 26

The laws of God are not the same with the laws of men. Isa. 55: 9 says, ...the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (NKJV). The way of God might be contrary to the ways of men but we must know that His way is superior.
In the world of economics and accounting, the way to have more money is to gather, accumulate and hoard what you have. However, in God's world, the way to have more is to let go of what you have. According to Prov 11: 24, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. When you refuse to scatter what you have so that others can benefit from it, you have just signed to be poor. Economics tells you to conserve but that philosophy is the key to poverty. There are people who spent all their life gathering and they eventually die without benefiting from what they have gathered. When God gives to you, take what you need out of it and share the remaining with others. There is no need to keep amassing more than you need, be a giver and distributor who is a blessing to people.
Even in business, the secret of prosperity is in scattering and not hoarding. Prov 11: 26 says that the people will curse him who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it. You must determine to be a blessing to people with your service and product and not merely focus on gathering cut-throat profit at the detriment of people. When your service and product generously help the people to solve their problems, you will be blessed as you offer them. The secret of increase is in giving and scattering and not keeping and hoarding. When all you do is gather money at the detriment of people and good service, you will eventually lose the people and become poor. Abundant life is in giving.
You must focus on distributing, giving and being a blessing. When you are a blessing you will be blessed. According to Prov 11:25, The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself (NKJV). The water-pipe that delivers water from the supply board to the homes will also have its inside wet because it is distributing water. So as long as water must be distributed, the pipe will be wet. When you become the distributor, you will always have.

* Ask God for grace to please Him always.
* Lord, I choose to be Your favourite. Please help me.
* Pray that you will find favour with God and men.

No evil eye, hand, thought, imagination, or mouth is permitted any more over my destiny, I shall walk in victory, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Labour not to be Rich

Saturday 13 August
READ: Prov. 23: 4
MORE LESSON: Psa. 127: 1 - 2

Psalm 24: 1 says, The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. This shows that everything men possess on earth actually belongs to God as He is the bona fide Land-Lord of the universe. When you understand the implication of this scripture, you will stop running helter-skelter in life. This means that no matter the gimmicks a man engages in, he cannot have anything except God lets him have it. John 3: 27 says, ...A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. The best wisdom in succeeding and prospering in life is to rest in God and seek to know how to follow His ways. Otherwise, a man can struggle, sweat, steal, burgle and do everything to acquire things and still at the end has nothing to show for it. Prov. 23:4 advises, Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. The point is to remove the mindset that hussles around to acquire things without resting in the grace of God from you. It is better to connect in faith to the principles of the Owner of the whole world than to toil from beginning to end of life without having time for the Almighty God because you want to have things – the very things which belong to Him.
If the Bible says 'labour not to be rich' and the same Bible wants you to be rich, then there must be a provision it has for your riches other than your labour. God's provision for your riches is connection to the Owner. When you personally become His heir and learn the principles of tapping ceaselessly from His resources, then you have the legal right to be blessed no matter where you live on the face of the earth. Therefore, if you are desirous of riches and you want to possess the things that your money cannot give you, the way is not to labour ceaselessly to obtain things but rather to labour to be connected to the Owner of all things. It is deception to think that the way to go in life is to go after money all your life and use it to purchase and own all that you want. People have tried that and they are now old and still they never got it. You do not need to labour to be rich; just labour to be connected to God who owns the earth, and all that is in it flows to you. The labour of connection is not burdensome. All it involves is to invite Jesus into your life and after giving your life to Him, discover His principles and start living by them. The best way to own all things is to become a child of the Owner of all things and live by His principles of connection and flow.

* Ask God for the grace not to acquire wealth to the detriment of your spiritual well-being, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to be directed by the Spirit of the Lord to where your land is flowing with milk and honey.

I prophesy against the arrows, missiles and spells from any evil altar against me, in the name of Jesus.