Monday, August 22, 2016

Example to Follow II

Monday 22 August
READ: Gen.17: 1-10
MORE LESSON: Rom.4:1-10; 18-22

We continue on the instruction of Jehovah God to us all, “Look unto Abraham”. There are more areas of obedience to God which Abraham complied to, worthy of emulation. He raised altars to Jehovah as he sojourned in the Promised Land (Gen.15: 9-17). Abraham obeyed God in ensuring a peaceful marriage between him and Sarah (Gen.16: 1-6). Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it: Eph.5:25. Though he shouldn't have practised the custom of the land in child bearing but rather should have encouraged Sarah in her discouragement, he loved her and valued their marriage, thus taking Hagar in.
Abraham obeyed God in establishing covenant tokens as instructed by God in circumcision of all males in his household (Gen.17:11-27). There are various covenant tokens in Christianity. Also, if you will walk with Jehovah and have a part in Him, you must obey these tokens as spelt out in the Bible, the manual for the Christian walk. Establish memorials and permanent flow of blessings by following covenant tokens of fellowship, offerings, tithes and vows.
Abraham obeyed God in practising hospitality (Gen.18:1-9). This act hastened the fulfilment of God's promise of childbearing. The Christian who is not hospitable contradicts the pattern of love given by God, Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality: Rom.12:13.
He also obeyed God in the ministry of praying for others including his enemies and his family (Gen.18:23-33). Even God had a testimony concerning Abraham's training of his household in righteousness (Gen. 18:19). Abraham's intercession contributed to the deliverance of Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham obeyed God in the ultimate test of sacrificing his son Isaac to God, though God did not allow the death of Isaac and gave a ram instead, lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me: Gen.22:12.
Abraham obeyed God in ensuring his child married an Israelite not Canaanite, Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness/ and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Cor.6:14. Be a friend of God by continual obedience to Him and He will make you a continuity for greatness in your generation as He did with Abraham.

* Lord, help me walk with You that I might be a blessing to my generation like father Abraham.
**Make a list of areas in which you will obey the Lord this year and diligently adhere to them by His grace

Today, I rebuke any destiny blockage on my pathway, I turn road blocks to stepping stones, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Example to Follow I

Sunday 21 August
READ: Isa.51:1-2
MORE LESSON: Gen. 12:1-10

There is a clear instruction in today's reading that calls all seekers of God to attention, Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him: Isa.51:2. Abraham is one unique man whose name is a reference point, across all religions and generations. His life before God is a pivotal story in the history of Jews and Christians. All worshippers of God are told to follow the pattern of Abraham in serving God. What was the peculiarity of father Abraham that Jehovah God could ask men of all generations to emulate him? Some people have suggested that Abraham lives on though dead because he is the father of faith, the friend of God and the centre of covenant that God instituted with both physical and spiritual Israelites. I quite agree with all these but the real reason why Abraham's life is still speaking though dead for thousands of years now is OBEDIENCE. This characteristic of Abraham is what God asks us to look on to in this great patriarch's life. Abraham had his faults as every man born of a woman has but he uniquely obeyed God.
The fifteen chapters of Genesis (11-25) are stringed with Abraham's life of obedience to God. We will trace some together so that each one of us will really be able to “look to Abraham”. He obeyed God when he was told to leave his roots and origin in his father's house to follow God (Gen.12: 1-5). He obeyed God by preferring Lot to himself though he was older and brought Lot, his nephew, out of Ur. He asked Lot to choose first and he would choose after Lot, Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves: Phil.2:3.
Abraham obeyed God in paying of tithes (Gen.14:20). No wonder he was a prosperous man, as his servant testified (Gen. 24:35). Do you want to be great? Then, follow Abraham's pattern and tithe all that God gives you as income so that you can enter into material prosperity like father Abraham.
Abraham obeyed God by believing God's promises to him even in contradicting circumstances, And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith giving glory to God: Rom.4:19-20. Will you be considered righteous in God's sight? Then believe the promises of God no matter what you are passing through now.

* I receive help from God to emulate Abraham the father of faith.
*Lord, give me strength to live a life of obedience to You.

Father, I dedicate my life to You, release Your grace in my life, make me a reflection of Your light to disperse darkness everywhere I go, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Great Rain

Saturday 20 August
READ: I Kgs. 18:1-2. 41-46
MORE LESSON: Gen. 7:18-19

Rain, the outpouring of water from the sky is always a great blessing to mankind. Whenever God sends rain upon the earth famine and dryness come to an end, there is beauty and fruitfulness and man and beast rejoice (Act. 14:17). However, God has used rain for other several reasons outside of provision.
At the time of Noah, God sent rain to separate and distinguish obedient people from disobedient ones. God had sent rain in times past to end men's trouble and put an end to enmity between people and every great rain results in a flood.
In our text, today, God says, I will send rain upon the earth: v1. This is a sure Word from God. And as God has done, I speak to you now: Your heaven is thick with clouds of abundant rain of God's goodness which is falling upon your destiny right now, in Jesus' name. The wind you have been experiencing is actually for a particular rain that God is bringing your way. Get ready. Like Ahab, arise and prepare for the rain because it is now.
However, may be you also need to do like Elijah the prophet to have it; he had to pray to get it. Noah had to build an ark according to God's prescription to fully benefit and avert being destroyed, when God's rain of wrath fell, And the waters prevailed and greatly increased: Gen. 7:18. When water prevailed upon the earth, it could not prevail over Noah's ark because he moved in obedience to God's instruction, but rather, the ark prevailed upon the water, The ark went upon the face of the water. As you stay in obedience to God, and His Word, you are sure to prevail over that which prevails over others, you cannot be a victim but a victor.
The Word of God must prevail in every situation of your life. What should matter to you in all situations is, “Thus saith the Lord' and that is how to stay above when others are sinking. When the water was fifteen cubits upward (Gen. 7:20), the water only lifted Noah and his family above everything by 15 cubits. Noah stayed above every other thing for 150 days. When we live in complete obedience to God's Word, we live in a possibility realm, no matter what is happening elsewhere.

* Father, help me to do according to all Your commandments, in Jesus' name.
* Father, let the earth be broken for me and let Heaven be opened for me.
* In the flood of life, Lord Jesus, let my ark float.

I have a God that has never failed, I shall never fail any more, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, August 19, 2016

What will God Do?

Friday 19 August
READ: Matt. 11:20-24
MORE LESSON: Matt. 7:7-8

The Almighty God is a great giver, all that He created are for the children of men and ours by asking. The Bible says, ...All things are yours.... There is nothing you can ever need that is not readily available. God says this in the book of Psalms, for every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills I know all, the fowls of the mountains: Psa. 50:10-13. God has all the things you will ever need and He is fully ready to give them to you. However, many times, we don't know what God will do out of our long list of things that need to be done.
You can be sure God will do what you demand of Him when you make the demand in faith. People may not give you what is due you but people and God may have to give you what you demand. So take the step of faith now and petition Heaven about your need. Even when you do not deserve it, God's mercy will be at work to make it available. All things are possible by mercy. The psalmist, testifying about God says, For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee: Psa. 86:5.
God will also give that which is good, not what you think is good. He says in His Word, Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will give him a stone? Matt. 7:9-11. You can be sure that when you call God, the devil will not answer and when you ask for good you will not receive evil.
God also gives His children what they cannot even ask for. We don't always know all that we need, so God gives to us out of His goodness and mercy all that we need. . Matt. 21:22 says, And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall ask in prayer, believe receive. God can and will give you all that you can dare to ask Him. And since there is no limit to what God can do, there should be no limit to what you can also ask for; ask until you are satisfied.
There is nothing that is not available if we ask it in the name of Jesus, And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the father may be glorified in the son: Jn. 14:13. God wants to give you bread so that you can be satisfied and feed other people also. He will give you divine health, so that you can be well and become a healer to others who are sick. God will give you power on earth so that you can be free to deal with the enemy and his demons. He will give you spiritual gifts for effective Christian service on earth. He will give you abundant material blessings that you will not beg, but become so rich so that you can help the poor and lend unto many nations. God will give you anything you will ask Him right now!

* Thank You Father for Your redeeming love that we have through Jesus Christ.
* Oh Lord, fill my life with all of Your goodness, in Jesus’ name.
* I will not lack anything that is good in my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.

In the name of Jesus, I shall serve Jehovah in my generation, I shall not be a tool of evil.