Monday, August 29, 2016

Tired about What?

Monday 29 August
READ: Isa. 40:18-31
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:31

One of the things the world is struggling with right now is how to overcome and cub stress. People are easily fatigued and tensed probably due to stress. Stress, fatigue and lack of rest are major issues confronting the working class of any society today. It is as if we don't have twenty four hours again because by the end of the day, you still find out that you have not finished what you planned to do that day. This is despite the fact that you have stretched yourself so much in the day.
Our choice today is not whether we will experience weariness or not, but what we will be weary about. Some people experience so much stress as a result of worry, fear and bitterness. Nothing saps a man of strength and agility like worry and fear. So to overcome weariness and stress, we must overcome sins that easily beset us. Heb. 12:1 says, ... let us lay aside every weight..., worry, fear, unforgiveness, bitterness are weights that easily sap people’s strength. On the contrary, we must exercise patience, which conserves strength and energy, makes a man feel fresh at all times and is the secret of strength in trouble. When we allow the Lord a place in our daily issues, negative feelings will no longer dominate us and we can use our God-given energy to serve God in areas we are capable. Our Creator also anticipates weariness in His finite creatures and promises to renew our strength if we wait on Him.
God's people sometimes suffer fatigue and even exhaustion and today's reading acknowledges that. He also understands that our need for strength like our need for food, is not a once for all provision; it is often needed. Someone said, “Ïf you are weary in life's race and driven by its hurried pace, then learn to wait upon the Lord: His strength will be your sure reward”. We must know that God gives strength in proportion to the strain. No wonder, the Bible says, God will not tempt us beyond that which we can bear, but will provide a way out of every difficulty situation. Prov. 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord all your; lean not unto thine own understanding. As you lean on the Lord, depending on Him for all your strength, you will begin to discover such tremendous strength and might that is far beyond what man can understand.

* Father, thank You because I have an unfailing strength in You, in Jesus’ name
* I refuse stress and weariness of the body and spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I put on my full strength and from now I will never be weak again, in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, You are the light that the enemy cannot comprehend, continue to shine through me, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Always the Same

Sunday 28 August
READ: Psa. 119:89-96
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24:35

But the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached to you: I Pet. 1:25. Apostle Peter was making us to understand that each time the gospel is preached, eternal impact is being made, which is capable of doing what God can do because the Word of God is God (Jn. 1:1). It is not just that the Word of God is eternal, it is not also subject to any form of change, For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven: v 89. But we know that life is constantly changing. People change their minds, prices change, medicines and medical treatments change, fashion, treatments, government, music, appliances, seasons, houses and cars keep changing. Some changes are good and progressive, but some lead to insecurity, frustration and confusion.
However, it is reassuring to know that God and His Word are always the same. God never changes His mind. He will always do what He promises in His Word. You can trust the Word of God in any situation. If the Word of God says you are healed, there is no missing it. If the Word of God says you are blessed it is sure. God, the Word of God, cannot change because it is perfect, The law of God is perfect, concerting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple: Psa. 19:7. The Word of the Lord cannot change because it is pure ... the commandment of the LORD is pure: Psa. 19:8b. The Word of the Lord cannot change because it is sure; ...all his commandments are sure, they stand forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.
Moreover, the changes we experience do not confuse Him because He knew they were coming. He is eternal and sees the future as clearly as the past. But if we must make it in this changing world, where things are changing very fast and almost faster than the speed of light, we must depend on God's changeless Word. His promises and principles are your security as you follow this unfailing guide through life. We must live our lives every day as the psalmist did. He said, I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word: Psa. 119:16. As you hold to the unchanging Word of God in the ever changing world, you are sure to make it.

* Thank You Father God because You will fulfil all Your promises to me.
* God’s Word has never failed and it will surely not fail in my situation.
* The Word of God is sure and self fulfilling.

Lion of the tribe of Judah, thank You for being true to Your name all through this month, continue to be a terror to the enemies of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

God's Kingdom

Saturday 27 August
READ: Rom.14:17-19
MORE LESSON: 1Pet.3:12

The Kingdom of God is far more than we think and much more simple than we can imagine. Paul the Apostle gave us three components of God's Kingdom on earth.
1. Righteousness, which means, doing what is right, good and excellent. Anyone who professes to be a part of God's Kingdom must do what is right at all times. He must not be involved in destruction, bad acts or live hypocritical life.
2. Peace: this is an undisturbed state of mind, absence of conflict, and serenity. Heb.12:14 says, Follow peace with all men.... This implies that anyone who claims to be a member of God's Kingdom must always strive to be at peace with all men. The expectation of the Scripture is, If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men: Rom.12:18. Children of God must not love strife, trouble making, division and pain for other people. A peaceful heart and life is a proof of God's presence in a person's life.
3. Joy in the Holy Ghost, the third attribute, is very crucial because joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Ghost. Having joy is an indication of a good relationship with God and people. One of the things God always ensures His children have is joy (Jn 16: 23-24).
If a man is able to serve God with these three great attributes of
the Kingdom, some benefits accrue to him. These benefits include:
1. Acceptability to God: the man has free access to all things.
2. Approval of men (Matt. 3:16-17). A man approved of men will not need to struggle to serve God among men.
3. Peace (good for edifying one another. (Rom. 15:1-3).
Beloved, this list summarises all that the believers should strive to be on the earth, and Heaven will not take anything less.

* I destroy anything that is capable of taking me out of the Kingdom, in the name of Jesus.

Father, turn me to a spiritual magnet to attract and retain every blessing You send my way, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Known by Works II

Friday 26 August
READ: John 5:12-19
MORE LESSON: Acts 9:36-40

A key statement of Jesus from the Bible text of today is verse 17, But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. The Bible in Basic English (BBE) puts that verse this way, But his answer was: My Father is still working even now, and so I am working. God is still working even now, you slept and woke up because God is still at work. That another person slept and did not wake up is because God is at work also. No man wakes or dies in sleep except God permits it. So, night and day, God is at work. In fact, God is who He is because of His works. God's works are so unique and peculiar that they cannot be mistaken for the works of other gods. God works, so every child of God must continue to work. You cannot give excuses why you cannot work any blessed day. There is no room for idleness, weariness or tiredness. God is still working even now, so beloved, get up and work.
Every child of God should also be known by specific works. Your works should be so outstanding that men should call you by your works. Carpenters, shoemakers, tailors, soldiers, police, lecturers, etc, are so called because of the works they do. Nobody will call a man by a vocation he is not known for doing. Our works for the Kingdom should also be evident to all men so much so that men could call us by the works we do.
When Tabitha also known as Dorcas died, her works stood up and spoke for her. Scripture records of her, this woman was full of good works and alms deeds which she did: Acts 9:36. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up: Acts 9:39-40. One can comfortably say that it was her works that brought her back to life.
Answer this question sincerely from your heart this morning, “What work will the brethren, your colleagues at work and your community associate with your name in your absence?” I pray for you today that your works will speak good, not evil of you, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Ask the LORD to forgive you of all works that do not speak well of His name in your life.
* Ask God for grace to shine as light everywhere you find yourself.

Today, I receive from God the spirit of retention and performance, in the name of Jesus.