Saturday, September 10, 2016

Numbering your Days I

Saturday 10 September
READ: Psa. 90:10-12
MORE LESSON: John 9: 4

The Bible says, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90:12. This scripture is a very important one in mastering the principles of impactful living. Many people use this scripture to mark birthdays and other events, which is a good thing to do. But the scripture talks about numbering our days and not just numbering our years. It is therefore important to understand the holistic meaning of this scripture so that we may get the wisdom hidden in it. The Bible directly links numbering our days with being wise. So how do we number our days?
One of the troubles of today is that many people are not good managers of their days and before they know it the days of their lives slip through their hands such that they can't account for what they have done with them. If a man allows each day to waste without accounting for how he spent it in a worthwhile way, he will realise that by the end of his life he has more wasted days than achievements. This is the issue that bothered the psalmist to the point of prayer in the text of today. This psalm was written by Moses but must have been prayed also by David who was a king and noticed so many activities and people contending for his day that if he was not wise, he would become so busy while little or nothing was achieved for God and for his purpose in life. This is the reason you also have to evaluate each day and look at all you did. Do you maximize each day? What achievements do you have with the resources of each day? If you are asked to pen down the activities of the day, how much of it will please the heart of God? This is the reason why you have to write down a plan and schedule for your day and achieve what matters for each day. It is in using your days well that result to using your years productively.
One of the treasures in life is time. Whatsoever wastes your time wastes your life. If you are wasting your own time, you are wasting your own life because God has a fixed time for everybody. There is a day that it will be said 'time up' for you in life. Your life at that point will be a summary of all you have used your days to do. It is important to know that in the issue of living, it is not how long that is important as how well. Did you spend the days of your life glorifying God, impacting lives and fulfilling your divine purpose? It is all in the way you live each day. Ask God to give you wisdom not to waste your day but to spend each day doing God's will and benefiting humanity.

* Lord, help me to number my days and to apply wisdom, in Jesus’ name.
* I reject every wasteful and unprofitable way of living, in Jesus’ name.
* I disengage myself from the spirit of busybody and distraction in life, in Jesus’ name.

Evil memorial is out of my calendar this month, I shall remember each day for good things, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Freedom to the Captive

Friday 9 September
READ: Isa. 49: 24-25
MORE LESSON: : Eph. 4:8-10

When you look around the world, you see several people who are under different forms of captivity. Captivity takes various shapes in the world today; like financial captivity, health captivity, physical and spiritual captivity. Do not be deceived by the nice appearances of people you meet daily, you might see people well-dressed yet they are under different forms of captivity and bondage. The reality of captivity and bondage has led men to run around seeking solution in wrong and terrible places that end up worsening their situations. Addictions are also forms of captivity that take over the minds and bodies of today either by music, drug, alcohol, inanimate things such as dress and electronic devices. These kinds of bondage cause men to face perpetual and consistent failure.
It might look like the one that has been captured by the enemy can never be set free but when you look at the promises of God from our text today, there is a great revelation and great hope. Isa. 49: 25 says, But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. The implication of this is that there is hope for every form of affliction you might be going through. No matter how mighty that thing is that is keeping you in captivity and bondage, the Greater One has made a promise for your release. Psa. 68: 18, talks about Jesus and declares, Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them. Jesus led captivity captive by the power of resurrection and having chained those that chained you, He has set you free by making sure that your captor is first bound. He did the job complete, leaving no stone unturned. Your captivity is already in captivity, make a decision today by accepting the freedom Jesus offers and you will be free indeed. You are free, in Jesus’ name.

* Today, I brake loose every habit that made me captive, in Jesus’ name.
* I set myself free from every strong desire within me that will lead me to bondage.
* Anything I love that is becoming an idol, I set it on fire, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, this month shall not lack harvest of good things in my life and destiny.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Freedom from Deception

Thursday 8 September
READ: John 8: 42-45
MORE LESSON: Rev. 12: 9

One major tool that satan uses in getting people into the lake of fire is deception. The devil is a born liar thus we are warned in 2 Cor. 2:11, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. When he is lying, he is just being himself (John 8: 44). He has deceived so many people and he is still deceiving many. The first mention of the devil in the Bible is in Genesis 3 and he appeared as a deceiver. He deceived Eve and led her to sin against God and Adam followed suit. It is still the deception of the devil that makes men sin against God today and the result is destruction and damnation. One of the highest deceptions that the devil can sell to any man is to make him believe that he (satan) doesn't exist, or that there is no Heaven and there is no hell. What a deception! Imagine a man spends all his life believing that there is no hell but finds himself there, too late to come back and make amends. It is a man who is a victim of deception that blows himself up with a bomb, expecting to open his eyes in a paradise with seventy virgins but he opens his eyes and sees eternal gulf of fire. May you never fall victim of deceit, in Jesus’ name.
The deception of the devil has made men refuse the free offer of salvation through the blood of Jesus. Deception has made even believers to live in disobedience to the principles of God. A deceived child of God doesn't pay tithes because he thinks he will have more money that way. Deception makes a Christian to commit secret sins and do other things that the world thinks smart but are actually detrimental. Satan is in the business of deceiving men, colouring and beautifying things that are poisonous and dangerous. The deception is so pitiful that some people proudly say they are satanists and publicly declare that they serve satan, thinking he is their friend and benefactor. Satan is nobody's friend because even those that serve him, he punishes, destroys and afflicts eternally in hell. Accept Jesus today and be free from deception, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me: Jn. 14:6.
As a believer that is privileged to be rescued from the deception of satan, you should make getting other people out of the hand of the deceiver your priority. Preach the truth, make people who have been deceived to know that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the only One that can save. Every child of God has a responsibility to free others from deception, by exposing lies and declaring the truth where ever we are found. The believer must not join agents of satan to spread lie, and deceive others. We must teach and live a truthful life always. Be an agent of the truth today.

* Holy Spirit of God, help me to discern every satanic deception that has become a doctrine.
* Today, false and deceptive ministers of satan will be exposed and disgraced.
* Every agent of deception in my life shall be exposed, in Jesus’ name.

I prophesy, the way of the Lord shall prosper and advance me, I shall not turn away from it, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Don’t be Negative

Wednesday 7 September
READ: Prov. 4: 20-24
MORE LESSON: Rom. 4: 17

You must watch your thoughts with all diligence because a man's thought will definitely become his reality in life, As a man thinketh in his heart so is he: Prov. 23: 7. If a man thinks negative, no good thing can ever come out of such a man. Negative people are difficult to live with as they are a menace to everyone around and to themselves. If somebody does wrong, they amplify and broadcast it. If the person does well, they wash down and castigate it. They complain if somebody dresses well, and complain if he doesn't dress well. A negative man affects others negatively but he himself suffers the worst effect of his negativity. A negative man always sees the negative in people and situations, not knowing that it is he that is negative. It is like wearing dark glasses, everything including the sun looks dark to you, but these things are actually not dark, it is your eyesight that is dark. A positive man sees the positive in everyone and situation, Unto the pure all things are pure....: Titus 1:15.
The switch from negativity to positivity is simple. All it takes is to switch the direction of your thought. Positive is nothing but going the opposite direction of negative. So instead of going this way, you go the other way and the change is remarkable. So when you feel like saying something wrong about someone, you just decide to say something nice about him. Instead of believing something is wrong, you just trust and believe that it will be right. For you to be positive, make sure you say only positive things about people and situations. At the onset, you might still feel negative, but never talk negative; make sure you only think positive. As the Lord begins to fill you with His thoughts and words more and more, positivity becomes more and more natural to you. It is difficult to change from negativity to positivity by human willpower but when you submit your mindset to the Lord and allow His Word to dominate your thoughts, positivity becomes easy and natural.
It is negativity that makes a student believe that a particular course is difficult. As a school boy, I heard so many negative people tell me that mathematics was so difficult that it could not be passed. I believed that negative thought and it sure did affect me. It was after I had left school that I discovered that if I had believed that mathematics was simple and that I could pass it, I would have performed gallantly in it. As a student, don't ever join people to believe that any course is difficult. May be you are not a student, but there is an area of negativity that someone wants to introduce into your life, you should simply refuse to be negative. A positive mind produces a positive life. In the final analysis, man is negatively disposed to the extent of how much God’s Word dwells in him, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee: Psa. 119:11.

* Today, I silence every negative voice in my spirit.
* I renounce and reject every form of intimidation to cause fear in me.
* I receive the spirit of boldness and of sound mind, in Jesus’ name.

Today I detonate every time bomb of sorrow fixed for the month of September, and I declare them wasted, in the name of Jesus.