Wednesday 14 September
READ: Lk. 16:23-24
MORE LESSON: Ecc. 12: 1-8
There is certainly life after death and this life will be in either of two places. It is either with God in Heaven or with the devil in hell. Heaven and hell are actually rewards and not bestowal. There is a life that a man lives and he is rewarded with Heaven and another life that a man lives and he is rewarded with hell. Luke 16: 25 reads, Abraham said to him, 'Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish (NLT). When the rich man was on earth, he gave himself all that he wanted. Even things that were sinful, as long as his body wanted, he got them. After all he had enough money to get anything he wanted for himself. This scripture shows that the rich man didn't remember God when he was on earth but was carried away by money, pleasure and gratification of the flesh. When the rich man got to hell, he was so tormented and in agony that he wanted even a finger-drip of water to cool his tongue but he couldn't get.
Hell is a place where the people who are lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God (2 Tim 3: 4) will be rewarded with anguish. It is noteworthy that hell is not a place for the rich and the rich man was not in hell merely because he was rich; he was in hell because he didn't seek God but used his money to seek pleasures of life. He lived for food, clothes, jewelry, fame, fun and carnal enjoyment. His reward in eternity was hell fire. Heaven is a reward for living a life surrendered to Jesus Christ and dedicated to God. This is why it is important to measure where God is on your scheme, schedule and scale of priority. I urge you to live for God so that you will be rewarded with Heaven. The reward for forgetting God and living a sinful life is the lake of fire.
On a final note, Psalm 9:17 says; the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. The reward for living a life as if God does not exist to judge is the lake of fire. This will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name.
*Re-dedicate your life to God today.
*Receive the grace of God to be conscious of God’s presence around your life everytime, in Jesus’ name.
*Renounce the lust for worldly pleasures and invoke the love for God upon your life today, in Jesus’ name.
I command every weight and spiritual stone weighing me down in life to roll away now, in the precious name of Jesus.