Tuesday 13 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 - 24
MORE LESSON: Psa. 9: 17
The Bible tells the story of a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fed sumptuously. He was very rich and had everything he needed. There was a poor man around his house who had no food to eat and desired to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table but he had to contend with dogs to get them. As he struggled with the dogs for food under the table, the dogs helped themselves to the sores on his body. It was a terrible life for this poor man. Poverty is bad and should not be the portion of a child of God.
The rich man had everything in this world but he didn't have the most important thing - God. He wasn't born again, he had no respect for God and no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He had enough money to donate to charity and probably buy all manner of things for church but he had no relationship with God. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, all acts of charity and good works in themselves cannot save a man. So one day the rich man died and opened his eyes on the other side of life.
The poor man in his wretchedness remembered God and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the poor man also died as the rich man died. One thing is common to the poor and the rich; they will both die. Luke 16: 22 -23 shows how the poor man died and was taken to the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man was taken to hell after his death. There is life after death and there is a place called hell. Jesus talked about actual place called hell where there is punishment for those that refuse His lordship. Hell is not a figure of speech; it is an actual place.
There is somewhere men are going after death. Don't let anyone deceive you that when a man dies that is the end of life. Some people say, 'let's eat, drink and be merry before we die' forgetting they will go somewhere after death to give account of what they did on the face of the earth. The rich man died and the poor man also died, but they went to different places after death. It wasn't their riches or poverty that determined where they went after death; it was their relationship with God. A man can be rich and still make Heaven and another can be poor and still go to hell. The choice is made by accepting or refusing Jesus Christ and a life of obedience to His Word. There is life after death-some to eternal justification in Heaven and some to eternal condemnation in hell. You will not lose eternally, in Jesus’ name, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works: Rev. 20:13.
* Tell the Lord that you will never regret your sojourn here on earth when you see Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of anything that can cost you Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
*Decree long life and prosperity for yourself and all your loved ones, in Jesus’ name.
Father, today in Your greatness, set my feet upon the rock that is higher than I and keep me going in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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