Sunday, September 4, 2016

Living with Eternity in View II

Sunday 4 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 -31
MORE LESSON: Acts 17:30-31

Luke 16:22; shows us how the rich man and the poor both died in the story that Jesus told. After death, the Bible says the rich man found himself in hell and he was screaming and crying. This man was used to all manner of drinks and liquor on the face of the earth but in hell, he was tormented by thirst. Hell is a place of thirst. It is unimaginable enough to stay without water on the face of the earth, where one is not being burnt in fire, for one or two days, talk more of hell where there is fire forever and there shall be no water. This was where the rich man found himself and his money couldn't help him at that time.
He had money when he was on earth but he didn't live with eternity in view as he didn't remember God. The only safety in life is a consciousness of eternity which makes a man secure himself in Jesus Christ while he lives. When the rich man realised that his fate was eternally sealed for destruction, he began to beg for his loved ones who were also not saved. This man was in pain but he was concerned for the people he left behind on earth and he didn't want them to come to where he was. So he begged to come back to earth to warn them to give their life to God so that after they believed, he could return to hell. Even this request was not granted. This man was concerned for other people's eternity even though he had lost it. You should also be concerned about the eternal fate of your loved ones, friends and people around.
The Bible says in Lk.16: 31, And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. Every man alive has his chance now while he is on earth and the Lord's provision for salvation is for you to heed the Word of God as preached by His servants who are on earth with you. Any man that is waiting for something spectacular before he gives his life to Jesus may never get it. If you refuse to hear the simple messages as preached daily, the repercussions will be great indeed. There is a time you can make request to God and get an answer, it is while you are alive. After death, no prayer is answered again. This is the time of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. You own today, use it well, because tomorrow may never be yours. Live everyday like the last! Maximise each hour of your life; make the most of minutes and seconds. Eternity can be today.

* Father, help me to live with eternity in view.
* In the name of Jesus, my eternity and that of my household shall be secured in Christ.

On this fourth day, Jehovah the fourth man shall stand with me, no fire will burn me and I shall not be drowned in the water of September, in the name of Jesus.


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