Monday 5 September
READ: Gen. 6: 8 – 14
MORE LESSON: Matt. 4: 22
Today, I want you to know that what you do makes a difference. Even when men do not notice you, you count so much in the sight of God. The little you do matters a lot to Him and your contribution makes a difference. In the generation of Noah, he was not influential among the crowd because all the people had gone corrupt and he was able to preserve his family alone in the ways of the Lord. What is a family of eight among all the people of the then world? However, for just pastoring his home well, Noah made an eternal difference. It was through him that the seed of mankind was preserved. You might be a parent and you diligently labour to bring up your children in the way of the Lord. Nobody may recognise your efforts or sacrifice and you may never get an award or a plaque for this work you are doing but be it known to you that what you are doing counts so much with God.
You may be following up just two young converts with all your heart to see that they grow in the Lord. The church may never be aware of your diligence and you may never get any recognition for it. You are important and Heaven will commend your work when all things are brought to light. Everyone may be doing wrong and cutting corners and you insist on standing for righteousness and it looks like no one notices what you are doing. In fact you might be facing persecution for doing right. But I want you to know that what you are doing makes a difference. Keep standing for God because you count so much, don't count yourself out.
There was a great servant of God called Pa Akindayomi who when he was alive and pastoring, some people didn't even know him so well. He kept doing the work of the Lord diligently and raising young ministers for the Lord. The people that the Lord produced through him have become mighty workers in God’s vineyard today. Through them he has attained great renown even in death. He remains an icon today and he is celebrated because of the people he raised. I don't know how important he considered what he was doing was, as he spent time with the young men of those days, but today it is obvious that what he did counts.
You are somebody important to God and to man. Do not feel like you are nobody because what you are doing is not being seen and spoken of in the open. Please know that you are somebody and what you are doing counts.
* Father, reward my service, in Jesus’ name.
* When I shall submit my talent, let me receive a well-done-good-and-faithful-servant commendation, in Jesus’ name.
* I remove far from me a sluggish and slothful spirit in service, in Jesus’ name.
This month, things will work for my good to the shame of the devil, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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