Thursday 1 September
READ: Exo.14:5-18
MORE LESSON: Lk.18:1-8
And the LORD said unto Moses, wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward: Exo.14:15. This verse is God's message to all His people at these times, “Go forward”. The background story clearly shows that there were contrary situations around the Israelites that contradict forward movement but the Lord still says to move forward. Fainting situations will arise that discourage and tend to slow you down but the Lord Jehovah says to you this morning refuse to give up and cease forward movement. You have to press forward even in the face of challenges because this is God's will for you. The Israelites were faced with the Red Sea in front and the Egyptians pursuing strongly behind them but the Lord still told them to cease crying in despair and hopelessness, rather they should move forward.
I say to you today, “Arise from that crying, despairing and mourning situation and move forward.” When you obey God and move forward in the face of challenges, then you see great manifestations of God's power as the Israelites did. The Red Sea parted for them to pass and it became a burial ground for their enemies. May you also have such a resounding testimony; you must make up your mind not to faint but to move forward, For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again and the tender branch thereof will not cease, though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground: yet through the scent of water, it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant: Job 14:7-9. Though that business was totally ruined by that fire incident, there is hope my brother; rise up and go forward. Though the doctor's report is all negative and discouraging, believe God and rise from that bed of affliction to go forward because that is what the Lord says to do.
You must know and act on the following to go forward:
1. Know that that delay is for a while. It is not a “NO”. God has good intentions for you and He is working out a greater plan for your life.
2. Your hand must stay on the plow; do not give up. Pray about what is going on in your life and then move forward. Take steps that the Holy Spirit ministers to your heart in the place of prayer.
3. Go for counseling and prayers before men of God who God has placed in your life and fortify to move forward.
Press forward by choosing to stand while others are sitting all around you. Fulfil Isa.40:31.
* I renounce every fainting spirit and I receive fresh grace to move forward.
*I rebuke every Red Sea in my life and I declare also that every Egyptian of life and destiny be buried in the Red Sea.
Father, I thank You in advance for the remarkable progress and blessings that I will have this month, in the name of Jesus.
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