Tuesday 6 September
READ: Isa. 49: 24-25
MORE LESSON: Eph. 4: 8-10
When a warrior goes to war and brings back prisoners of war, the people are called the captives. They are the spoils that the warrior has taken from the war and he will not allow anyone to cheaply take his gain from him. Captors love to display their captives. They take pride in humiliating their captives because the more humiliated the captives are, the more powerful the captor feels. This is why satan parades his captives, by afflicting people with sickness, sinful habits, emotional problems, immorality and poverty because he delights in showing his power by oppressing men and holding them captive.
For a captive to be delivered, it takes a force that is stronger than the captor to free the captive, ...else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house: Matt 12:29.The only way to free a captive is to first make captive his captor. When the captor is captured, the captive can be freed. When Jesus died, He went down to the lower parts of the earth and He made captive all the evil forces of satan and his cohorts that took men captive. Therefore, ...When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men: Eph 4:8.
I want you to know that satan does not have any power over you. He is a captive himself. Jesus defeated him and made him a captive so that you can be free. The implication of this is that satan cannot rule you except you allow him through ignorance of your inheritance in Christ or you give him legal access through sin. Refusal to search the word of God to know your rights will allow the devil to keep you captive even though he is already captured and you are free. If you give the devil a legal access, he will manipulate and put you in bondage and his bondage is always weighty.
However, the greatest news today is that even if you have committed sin and the devil has lawful and legal right to bind and afflict you, the blood of Jesus still speaks mercy for you. This is why the Bible says; shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered? Isa 49:24. These captives are lawfully held by mighty forces because of the wrong they did. The Word of the Lord says that ...even the lawful captives will be freed and the prey of the terrible be delivered (verse 25). Even if you had done wrong and that is why the enemy is afflicting you today, as you come to ask for mercy through the blood of Jesus, you are freed, in the name of Jesus. Settle your sin problem today by confessing and asking Jesus for pardon, and thereafter the legal right of satan over you is broken and all captivity is over. Say yes to Jesus.
* Today by the death and resurrection of Jesus, I am free from captivity.
* I plead the blood of Jesus over every handwriting of the enemy against me.
* In the name of Jesus, I break every padlock and ancient doors that ever held me captive.
I reverse any sign of shame and hopelessness and receive glory and celebration today, in the name of Jesus.
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