Thursday, September 15, 2016

Heaven is Real I

Thursday 15 September
READ: Lk. 16: 19-26
MORE LESSON: : Lk. 12: 1-5

Jesus said there was a certain rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. This story as told by Jesus was the story of two real men who lived at a particular time. Whenever Jesus told a parable in the Scripture, it was clearly stated that it was a parable. When He told a real life story, it was portrayed as such. Jesus knew that cooking up a story that didn't exist is lying even if the story is for the purpose of teaching a good lesson. He also knew that exaggerating equates with lying, so He only told stories as truthfully as they were. So if Jesus said that a certain rich man and poor man existed and He even mentioned the name of the poor man, and the Bible doesn't say that it was a parable that Jesus told as it states categorically in every place where a parable is told, then we have to know that the story really happened and everything portrayed in the story was real.
Hell is not merely a figurative language for punishment as some people claim. It is a real place where fire and brimstone torment souls day and night. The Bible says, and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom: Lk. 16:23. That doesn't sound like a figure of speech. It sounds like a man who was in a definite place called hell and from there, he looked up and saw Abraham and Lazarus in another definite place different from where he was. Hell is real and it is a place of reward of wicked living. The rich man in this story died and while men on earth were conducting funeral service and celebrating his achievement, he opened his eyes and saw himself in literal fire burning in a literal place called hell.
I have preached to people and warned them about the reality of hell and some responded by laughing and saying that they will commit so much sin that when they get to God, He will be so mad at them that He will fling them with too much force and fury and mistakenly fling them over the fire of hell, making them land at the other side where there is no fire. That statement is born out of the peak of satanic deception and mockery of God. Hell is not a joking matter, it is a serious issue. The Bible shows that the rich man died, opened his eyes and found himself in hell. Nobody flung him; he just died, opened his eyes and found himself there.
I pray that you and all the people God has given you will not go to hell. If there is one place you must not go; it is hell. You have to make right your way with the Lord today. Peace unto you.

* Declare that by the righteousness of the Lord Jesus, you will not miss Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the Holy Spirit will watch over your destiny to ensure that you make Heaven.

I subdue and overthrow permanently all the anti-progress forces around me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heaven or Hell

Wednesday 14 September
READ: Lk. 16:23-24
MORE LESSON: Ecc. 12: 1-8

There is certainly life after death and this life will be in either of two places. It is either with God in Heaven or with the devil in hell. Heaven and hell are actually rewards and not bestowal. There is a life that a man lives and he is rewarded with Heaven and another life that a man lives and he is rewarded with hell. Luke 16: 25 reads, Abraham said to him, 'Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish (NLT). When the rich man was on earth, he gave himself all that he wanted. Even things that were sinful, as long as his body wanted, he got them. After all he had enough money to get anything he wanted for himself. This scripture shows that the rich man didn't remember God when he was on earth but was carried away by money, pleasure and gratification of the flesh. When the rich man got to hell, he was so tormented and in agony that he wanted even a finger-drip of water to cool his tongue but he couldn't get.
Hell is a place where the people who are lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God (2 Tim 3: 4) will be rewarded with anguish. It is noteworthy that hell is not a place for the rich and the rich man was not in hell merely because he was rich; he was in hell because he didn't seek God but used his money to seek pleasures of life. He lived for food, clothes, jewelry, fame, fun and carnal enjoyment. His reward in eternity was hell fire. Heaven is a reward for living a life surrendered to Jesus Christ and dedicated to God. This is why it is important to measure where God is on your scheme, schedule and scale of priority. I urge you to live for God so that you will be rewarded with Heaven. The reward for forgetting God and living a sinful life is the lake of fire.
On a final note, Psalm 9:17 says; the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. The reward for living a life as if God does not exist to judge is the lake of fire. This will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name.

*Re-dedicate your life to God today.
*Receive the grace of God to be conscious of God’s presence around your life everytime, in Jesus’ name.
*Renounce the lust for worldly pleasures and invoke the love for God upon your life today, in Jesus’ name.

I command every weight and spiritual stone weighing me down in life to roll away now, in the precious name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

After Death II

Tuesday 13 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 - 24
MORE LESSON: Psa. 9: 17

The Bible tells the story of a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fed sumptuously. He was very rich and had everything he needed. There was a poor man around his house who had no food to eat and desired to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table but he had to contend with dogs to get them. As he struggled with the dogs for food under the table, the dogs helped themselves to the sores on his body. It was a terrible life for this poor man. Poverty is bad and should not be the portion of a child of God.
The rich man had everything in this world but he didn't have the most important thing - God. He wasn't born again, he had no respect for God and no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He had enough money to donate to charity and probably buy all manner of things for church but he had no relationship with God. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, all acts of charity and good works in themselves cannot save a man. So one day the rich man died and opened his eyes on the other side of life.
The poor man in his wretchedness remembered God and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the poor man also died as the rich man died. One thing is common to the poor and the rich; they will both die. Luke 16: 22 -23 shows how the poor man died and was taken to the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man was taken to hell after his death. There is life after death and there is a place called hell. Jesus talked about actual place called hell where there is punishment for those that refuse His lordship. Hell is not a figure of speech; it is an actual place.
There is somewhere men are going after death. Don't let anyone deceive you that when a man dies that is the end of life. Some people say, 'let's eat, drink and be merry before we die' forgetting they will go somewhere after death to give account of what they did on the face of the earth. The rich man died and the poor man also died, but they went to different places after death. It wasn't their riches or poverty that determined where they went after death; it was their relationship with God. A man can be rich and still make Heaven and another can be poor and still go to hell. The choice is made by accepting or refusing Jesus Christ and a life of obedience to His Word. There is life after death-some to eternal justification in Heaven and some to eternal condemnation in hell. You will not lose eternally, in Jesus’ name, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works: Rev. 20:13.

* Tell the Lord that you will never regret your sojourn here on earth when you see Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of anything that can cost you Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
*Decree long life and prosperity for yourself and all your loved ones, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today in Your greatness, set my feet upon the rock that is higher than I and keep me going in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, September 12, 2016

After Death I

Monday 12 September
READ: Heb. 9: 27
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 5:10

The Bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die, but AFTER this the judgment (Heb 9:27). The striking point that should be noted from this scripture is that the Bible says that there is something after death. Some people believe that death is the end and try to use several scriptures to support their belief. They claim there is no hell, no Heaven, and that after death, a man sleeps forever and ever. A look at this scripture shows that there is something after death. The Bible, in the text of today, tells of judgment as one thing that surely comes up after death. By extension, if there is the possibility of one thing being after death. then there is also the possibility of many things.
Death is not the end at all but actually the beginning of another process. Death is the door that opens a man into eternity full of endless events. It is not just one long time when nothing is happening. The wise thing for a man to do is to spend his life before death preparing for eternity. Be it known to you that everything in this life is but nothing compared to what all men will have to confront in the life hereafter. Life in this body is temporal but after death, the real life begins. The human body is not designed to live forever but the human spirit is. So at one point, the body needs to give way so that the spirit can now face the full repercussion of life without the limits of being enclosed in the body. Death is merely the spirit leaving the body so as to face life the way it really is.
If a man lives for 70 years on earth, men would say that he lived long. In the Bible, we see that men lived as long as above 900 hundred years. As long as they lived, no man has ever hit the 1000 years mark in terms of length of life. 1000 years is nothing but a twinkle of an eye in eternity. Because eternity is no child's play at all every man must really pay attention to the issue of where he will spend eternity.
After death, there is judgement. There is a whole lot more, as some will go into eternal damnation and some into eternal celebration. Regardless of calibre and status, death is inevitable to all men. The only way to have the upper hand over death is to prepare for it. The right preparation is to give your life to Jesus so that you will be able to reign with Him in eternity after death comes. I pray you will not die an untimely death, in Jesus’ name. When death comes, you will be in Christ and will not be lost in eternity, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works: Rev. 20:12.

* Ask the Lord to preserve you with long life not to die before your time, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to purify you of any filth that will not allow you to see Jesus when the time comes.
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus today and always.

This month, every story will change to glory and from glory to glory, in the glorious name of Jesus.