Wednesday28 September
READ: Psa. 84:11
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 1: 6- 12
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word ‘glory’ has several definitions and explanations. I am particularly impressed by the definition of glory as “a special cause or reason for pride”. This means that glory is something that happens to you or to someone around you and gives you a reason to be proud of the event. I think a man should always and only do and go for things that he can be proud of. Don't do things that you will be ashamed of when such are announced openly as what you did. Glory therefore is whatever brings you respect, honour and splendour. If glory makes a man to be respected, you should go for glory. I pray for you that in the name of Jesus, you will not see shame.
Glory is desirable. We can be proud of good things when they happen; success, wealth, children, marriages, jobs, academic excellence and increase are things that we can be proud of. When these things happen to us, we announce them and testify about them. Someone once likened glory to a spiritual visa that gives a man access to the best things of life. When you want the best things of life, what you need is for the glory of God to come upon you. When the glory comes, you immediately see good things draw to you of their own accord. Several people are pursuing money, appointments, promotions, houses and marriage partners, without caring to seek God's glory upon their lives. That is putting the horse before the cart. Those are not the first things to seek; get the glory and all those things will pursue you. David said, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever: Psa. 23:6.
When the Lord told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted, Solomon didn't ask for material things; he asked for wisdom. The wisdom of God is part of His glory; so Solomon was actually seeking God's glory to be upon his life. The God of glory spoke to him, Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like: 2 Chron. 1: 12.
He got the glory and the good things of life followed him. I pray for you that the glory of God will be your portion today, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, my life and works shall show forth Your glory.
* Father, don't let me dip my hand in anything that would bring shame and reproach.
I receive a total purification in the blood of Jesus from all the evil perfumes of bad luck and delay, in the name of Jesus.