Tuesday 18 October
READ: Matt. 25:1-6
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 12
Jesus told a parable, using it to describe what His coming will look like. He said there were ten virgins - five were wise and five were foolish. Both the wise and the foolish were waiting for the coming of the bridegroom in the night. The wise five took extra oil in addition to what was inside their lanterns. The foolish five took their lanterns, put oil inside and forecast that it was enough. However the bridegroom delayed and all the oil burnt out.
Eventually the bridegroom came in the dead of the night and all the virgins got up to go and receive him. All their oil had burnt out but the ones that had extra oil, had something to pour into the lamps afresh and therefore met the bridegroom with their lamps still burning. The other five who had no extra oil had their lights gone off. They couldn't meet the bridegroom with lights gone off, so they quickly went to look for oil. But before they returned, the bridegroom had entered in with the ready five and locked the door. Afterwards, came also the other virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not: Matt. 25: 11-12. Definitely, it is a painful thing for a bride to be told by the bridegroom that he doesn't know her. How can a woman come to be wedded only to be told by her bridegroom that he does not know her? The bridegroom said to the five foolish virgins, I don't know you, and they were locked out forever. They left home fully dressed for a wedding but never returned home with a husband. And I want to say to you that there is a great day coming. Jesus, the Bridegroom of the Church, is on the way. The five virgins that had extra oil were prepared.
All the ten were virgins, which means they were saved but some were prepared while the others were not. The issue of going with the Lord when He comes is the issue of preparedness. I want to ask you whether you are busy with the mundane affairs of life or you are living in preparation for His coming. You need the extra oil; you need more zeal than you have ever displayed. You need more attention to the things of God. You need more consciousness that the end is near and live with that consciousness. In a short while, the sound of the trumpet shall be heard and the Bridegroom will come. Only the people with the extra oil and lamps still burning bright will go with Him.
* Receive power to be conscious of the end time, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the negative prophecy of the end time will not be fulfilled on you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will help you to proclaim the goodnews in this end time, in Jesus’ name.
Father, this month, do for me what I cannot do for myself, fight my battles and grant me victory, in the name of Jesus.