Saturday 15 October
READ: I Sam. 2: 22 - 34
MORE LESSON: I Sam. 4:10-11
As goes the family, so goes the nation. In the quest to search out the cause of the challenges confronting the nation and the way to overcome them, we must begin our search from the home. I have looked through the Scripture and I have found that the first change that a nation needs must begin from the house of the leader. It is imperative to note that we are all leaders whether we are famous or not, whether we are in public position or not. As long as you have someone you are accountable for and influence, you are a leader.
A nation is simply a combination of several homes. The armed robbers that cause havoc in the nation come from homes. The man that ties a bomb round himself and goes to explode it, killing multitude of people in the name of whatever cause, also comes from someone's home. The corrupt leaders that leave masses of people in pain and carry the wealth of the nation for selfish gain all come from homes. It would have made a whole lot of difference if someone had ingrained the fear of the Lord in their mind right from the home and be convicted against all the wrongs they are doing now.
In the Bible, Eli was the leader of the nation of Israel in his time. The Lord God is the Ruler and the King of Israel. He, however, placed human leaders over them to do His will in the nation. The time came when God began to warn the leader and the nation of Israel that they were tilting towards destruction. The reason was because the children of Eli were doing abominable things. These children were sleeping with women in the sanctuary, touching what they were not supposed to touch, and doing all manners of wickedness against God. The Lord called the home to order but the father, instead of enforcing the fear of God in his home, began to talk softly to his children. Even the man, the children and their family were destroyed in one day. The ark of the Lord which symbolised the presence of God in Israel was taken by the enemy and the nation was defeated.
God wants to heal the land but He wants to start from the home. The greatest mistake of our nation is the sin of abandoning the home-front, locking God out of the family. When our families and our homes remember God and return to Him, the nation will become all that God intends for it. Today is the day to repent of any way that you have been running your home contrary to God's plan, return to Him, take your home to God in prayer and pray for our dear nation. Everyone who comes from one home should spend time today to pray for that home. Pray that your family and you will not fail God.
* Ask the Lord to help your family not to fail.
* Pray that God will lead our bachelors and spinsters to make the right choice of marriage partner.
* Ask God to visit and mend cracks in any home, in Jesus’ name.
I expose all satanic set up planned to bring me down, in the name of Jesus.
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