Sunday 23 October
READ: Mark 11:19 - 21
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24:35
Jesus was walking one day and He was hungry. He got to a fig tree, expecting to get something to eat and there was none, He looked at the tree and cursed it. The next morning, when they were passing by, Peter, one of the apostles, called their attention to the fact that the tree that Jesus spoke against the previous day had quickly dried up. The Bible puts it this way, Peter calling to remembrance said unto Him, master, behold the tree which thou curseth is weathered away. Jesus was not the one who called on them to say, 'Look at the tree I cursed yesterday, it has dried up'. It was normal to Him to have what He says to be obeyed. It wasn't spectacular to Him that His Word had been fulfilled. So He didn't need to call people's attention to see what He had done.
Even if a tree is cut down with an axe, it wouldn't dry up before the next day. The tree that Jesus spoke to dried up in less than 12 hours. That's the power of the King's Word; the word of His authority is backed by the force of Heaven. The potency of the Word of God is such that things and situations respond to it instantly. Any man that is full of the Word of God becomes a threat to the kingdom of darkness. It is a weapon that no demon or power on earth or beneath the earth can withstand. Heaven and earth respond to the Word of God. It is the only weapon that is eternal, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away: Matt. 24:35. When your situation has defied every solution, apply the Word. It has never failed and it will never fail.
You must know how to release the word of authority. The authority that Jesus had when He spoke to the tree has been given to you. Speak authoritatively to your situations and watch the miracle that God will do as He turns your terrible situation to a testimony. For you to be able to speak the word of authority, you must first be filled with the Word of God on the inside. It is what is inside that determines what comes out. Jesus could speak with authority because He is the Word Himself. It is the Word of God inside you that makes you become a person who is filled with words of authority.
* Command every planting of the enemy in your life to dry up now, in Jesus’ name.
* Speak by the word of authority, progress, advancement, success, healing to your life.
Every wall of delay and frustration standing between me and my Rehoboth, like the wall of Jericho, collapse now, in the name of Jesus.
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