Friday, October 21, 2016

Succeeding in your Career I

Friday 21 October
READ: Psa. 16: 6- 8
MORE LESSON: Josh. 1: 8

If you ever want to reach your goal in destiny, you must locate God's appointed place for your destiny. It is at God's appointed place for you that you can be sure of a successful ending irrespective of the challenges that come your way. God has a calling and assignment for you. Even in your career, there is a particular place that God has for your destiny. Do not just choose a career because everybody likes it or it is popular in the esteem of men. Ask God before you make a decision for a career path.
Many men fail because they are not where God appointed unto them. You should not go into any course of study or career path because somebody said it is lucrative. You may struggle in a lucrative career if it is not God's design for your life. You must discover God’s pathway for your life and pursue it. When you do so, you will have result and make progress in life. The good news today is that even if you had made mistakes in the past by taking a path without asking God, the Lord can still correct the past and bring you to a desired end.
Following God’s pathway for you in your career will make you fulfilled and experience prosperity. Do not just move around from place to place and job to job because of increased financial benefit. As good as higher salaries and allowances are, your destiny should revolve around God's location for God's purpose. When you stay in your divine location, fulfilling divine purpose in your work or career, every benefit will eventually locate you.
However, it is expedient to know that staying in God's location doesn't mean staying somewhere doing nothing. You can be where God has designed you to be and be a failure because you are lazy. Laziness is not part of God's nature and a lazy man is headed for failure. Even in the right place, you must work hard. God's provision is in His location but we know that a man can have food in the house and be hungry if he is too lazy to cook. Success is not by partying and fun; it demands hard work.
Another major cause of failure is ignorance. People fail because they are ignorant or disobedient to God's principle of success. There are keys that open the treasure of God to you in your work, business and career. You need knowledge to take your place. According to Josh. 1: 8, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Remember, divine location, hard work, prayer and godly living are keys to a successful career. Check which one you need to get.

* Father, make me a symbol of excellence at work, in school and in church, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, crown my effort with great success and make me an example of excellence in all that I do, in Jesus’ name.

I prophesy, my hope and expectation in 2016 shall not be dashed, in the name of Jesus.


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