Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Best Gift of All

Saturday 5 November
READ: Heb.1:1-8
MORE LESSON: Phil.2:9-10

God loves to relate and speak with people. The scripture for today expressly declares that God speaks. Several people in the world think that God is so impersonal and distant from man that He does not speak. Far from it, God has been speaking and will continue to speak to man in all ages. God speaks to all without bias of race, colour, tribe, status or class. The only condition for enjoying the communion of closeness with God is to have the Son. God speaks to us by His Son (Heb.1:2); He has made His Son the fullness of all things. Jesus Christ is the full package of God's gift to mankind, For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ: Rom.5:17. To reign in life, you must have Jesus and allow Him to live and reign in you. A man that has the fullness of Christ will have the fullness of life.
To enjoy God's best gift you have to use the name of Jesus. The key to accessing the good gifts that God has provided for His children is using the name of Jesus, And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it: Jn.14:13-14.
God has completely authorised that everything must respond to Jesus’ name. Such things that must respond include:
1. The heavens and the earth (Deut.32:1). These have ears to hear and will respond.
2. Stones and other created things will respond to the name (Josh.24:27; Psa. 29:1-3).
3. Nations and people will hear and respond to the name (Isa.34:1). Call that rebellious member of your family that has refused to respond to the caution of the elders. Start calling him to respond to the name of Jesus and a change will happen.
Those long standing requests and prayers will respond to the voice of the Lord that is powerful, full of majesty, breaking the cedars of Lebanon and dividing the flames of fire. Arise and use the best that God has given you to access your victory.

* Give God thanks for giving you the name of Jesus.
* Receive every good gift that Heaven has in stock for you, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that self-advertising miracles of God shall fill my new month, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Self-Sufficient Helper

Friday 4 November
READ: Psa. 46:1-11
MORE LESSON: Acts 12: 20 - 24

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early: Psa. 46:5 The help of God is Heaven's intervention in a matter that is beyond the control of man. Help enables you to do more than you can do ordinarily. Help is about being able to achieve more than you can on your own. Someone defined help as the extra hand that makes your load lighter to carry. God is the only Helper there is: if God doesn't help you, no man can. Every other man assists, but God helps. Assistance talks of relief coming in bits and pieces but help is holistic and has no limit; it gets the job done completely. Only God can provide real help; men can push a little but God provides the help. Man can take off to help and abandon it along the way, but God starts from the beginning and takes it all through to the end. When God is involved, He goes all the way to bring us help. When you put your confidence in man, you are putting your confidence in a supporter who himself needs help. But when you put your confidence in God He can use other men to accomplish things.
Every man will have something that he needs an extra hand for till the end of life. We all need help; I haven't found a man who is not in need of help. I have met the rich and the strong and they all need help. I haven't met anyone who does not need help except God who is self-sufficient. No man is self-sufficient; if you hear anyone say that he is, he is preparing for his grave.
God is self-sufficient and all men are dependent. Don't be deceived to think you are sufficient on your own like Herod (Acts 12: 21) who finished speaking and the people were hailing him, saying that it was not the voice of man but the voice of God. They said he was God and he was happy. All of a sudden, an angel slapped him and he fell down dead. No one knew an angel was in that congregation until the man was slapped. The angel would have wondered, “How can they tell you that you are self-sufficent and self-existent and you accept such praise from them?” It is only the Almighty God that occupies that office.
Never put your confidence in yourself. Herod must have believed he was some god also because he accepted the accolade of being God. Jehovah had to silence him as a lesson to other men. Don't ever trust that you can accomplish anything all by yourself but only by the help of God.

*Thank the Lord because you serve a self – sufficient God.
*Tell God that your trust is in Him and ask Him to send you help.

God's goodness, favour, mercy and loving kindness shall follow me and overtake me this new month, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Exceptional Help

Thursday 3 November
READ: 2 Sam. 5: 6-10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18: 29

In today’s text, David led his army against the Jebusites who lived in the rocky fortress. When they heard that David was coming, they mocked him and told him their habitation was so fortified that a weakling like David could not defeat them. In fact, they told him that even if the lame and the blind in the land were to form the army to fight against him, they would defeat him. Obviously, David was still small and had not attained all the greatness he later had. So they under-estimated and mocked him. Everywhere you have been washed down and mocked, the help of God will lift you up and place you above your mockers, in Jesus’ name.
It was like my story in secondary school. One of my teachers once looked at me and said, 'You, even if they give you the answer script and ask you to copy, you will still copy wrongly and fail'. They believed that I would not amount to anything. But today, the Lord has brought me to a great place. After the mockery done to David by the inhabitants, he invaded that city, defeated the people of the land and took over the land. I am particularly impressed with what David did after he took that city; he named it after himself and made it his headquarters, So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the City of David...: 2 Sam. 5:9. That is the city called Jerusalem today; the capital city during the reign of David and the headquarters of the nation of Israel. He turned the place of his mockery to an eternal memorial of his greatness. That is what God is set to do for you today.
It is the exceptional help of God that made David to prevail where he had been disdained. He stated this secret of his success in Psa. 18: 29, For by thee, I have run through a troop; and by my God, have I leaped over a wall. Today, the help of God will locate you and you will amaze critics and enemies to record an astounding victory.
I pray for you today that where people have said there is no place for you, you will become the head. That office that refused to give you a job because you are a child of God will soon be bought over by you. When you enter that office, you will enter as the CEO. An exceptional help is on the way for you this year. God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself. Lift up your hand and shout Amen!

* Ask the Lord to give you honour and fame in the same land where you dwell.
* Ask the Lord to send you exceptional help today.

Today, every anti-testimony altar erected against me and my family is here by dismantled by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Get the Blessing!

Wednesday 2 November
READ: Gen. 12:1-5
MORE LESSON: Gen. 22:16-18

Abraham's name has become an epitome of faith and greatness. The greatness of Abraham's name is more now than when he was alive. If you go to the nation of Israel today, you will see how greatly they revere him. Several contemporary countries and religions have also laid claim to descent from Abraham. When a man is successful, everybody claims to be related to him.
I can't tell what dreams Abraham had for his life when he was in his father's house in Ur of the Chaldeans but I can boldly say that when he met with God, God gave him a dream and destiny that was bigger than he could ever have imagined for himself. He encountered God and connected with a blessing so massive that it redefined the course of his life and gave him a name beyond his generation. Abraham connected with God and got a blessing that transformed him from a nonentity to a trans- generational role model.
You may not have a vision for your life or you may be pursuing a life that is less than God's will for you. But I want you to know that there is a blessing that you can connect with today that can turn you to a joy of many generations. When this blessing locates you, you also will get to a point that when people want to define greatness, they will refer to you. Greatness, fulfilment in destiny and becoming a generational praise are derivatives of God's blessing upon a man. This same blessing that He gave to Abraham is available to you, according to Gal 3: 14, That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
The same blessing that was given to Abraham is available to you through Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ connects you with the blessing of Abraham. This blessing starts with the salvation of your soul and healing of your body; then it proceeds to greatness, wealth, trans-generational impact and good success. Do not ever make light of God's blessing; it has the capacity to cause the desired shift in your destiny.
There have been people, both in history and contemporary times, that are associated with wealth and greatness. There are people who, when you mention their names, the first thing that comes to mind is wealth. The blessing that you will enter into from your encounter with God that will come your way today is such that when next people want to describe great things, they will make reference to you. I bless you with the blessing of the Lord that makes your life become more than all you have ever dreamt. As you go out today, greatness will happen to you, in Jesus’ name. Ask God for the blessings of Abraham upon your entire destiny today.

* In the name of Jesus, I connect to the blessing that will turn me to a joy of many generations
* Because God has proclaimed me blessed, I am blessed and not cursed, in Jesus’ name.

This month, helpers of destiny shall not be lacking on my pathway, in the name of Jesus.