Friday, November 4, 2016

The Self-Sufficient Helper

Friday 4 November
READ: Psa. 46:1-11
MORE LESSON: Acts 12: 20 - 24

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early: Psa. 46:5 The help of God is Heaven's intervention in a matter that is beyond the control of man. Help enables you to do more than you can do ordinarily. Help is about being able to achieve more than you can on your own. Someone defined help as the extra hand that makes your load lighter to carry. God is the only Helper there is: if God doesn't help you, no man can. Every other man assists, but God helps. Assistance talks of relief coming in bits and pieces but help is holistic and has no limit; it gets the job done completely. Only God can provide real help; men can push a little but God provides the help. Man can take off to help and abandon it along the way, but God starts from the beginning and takes it all through to the end. When God is involved, He goes all the way to bring us help. When you put your confidence in man, you are putting your confidence in a supporter who himself needs help. But when you put your confidence in God He can use other men to accomplish things.
Every man will have something that he needs an extra hand for till the end of life. We all need help; I haven't found a man who is not in need of help. I have met the rich and the strong and they all need help. I haven't met anyone who does not need help except God who is self-sufficient. No man is self-sufficient; if you hear anyone say that he is, he is preparing for his grave.
God is self-sufficient and all men are dependent. Don't be deceived to think you are sufficient on your own like Herod (Acts 12: 21) who finished speaking and the people were hailing him, saying that it was not the voice of man but the voice of God. They said he was God and he was happy. All of a sudden, an angel slapped him and he fell down dead. No one knew an angel was in that congregation until the man was slapped. The angel would have wondered, “How can they tell you that you are self-sufficent and self-existent and you accept such praise from them?” It is only the Almighty God that occupies that office.
Never put your confidence in yourself. Herod must have believed he was some god also because he accepted the accolade of being God. Jehovah had to silence him as a lesson to other men. Don't ever trust that you can accomplish anything all by yourself but only by the help of God.

*Thank the Lord because you serve a self – sufficient God.
*Tell God that your trust is in Him and ask Him to send you help.

God's goodness, favour, mercy and loving kindness shall follow me and overtake me this new month, in the name of Jesus.


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