Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Garment of Glory

Wednesday 23 November
READ: Exo. 28: 1-2
MORE LESSON: Num. 20: 25 - 29

God instructed that holy garments be made for Aaron the high priest for glory and for beauty and on the garments were written, Holiness to the Lord: Exo. 28: 36. When Aaron was to die and cease to be the high priest, God said that he should be stripped of the garment that he wore and the garment was to be given to Eleazar his son. It was only after the garment was removed from him that he died, And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount: Num 20: 28.
Aaron’s garment was for glory, beauty and also for divine immunity upon his life. In other words, God wanted to take away Aaron but He couldn't until the garment of glory that he wore was removed. Conversely, Eleazar didn't become high priest until the garment of glory was put on him. The garment of glory put upon a man is the spiritual cover of God on him for glory, favour and protection.
The enemy always tries to strip believers of the garment of glory that God puts upon them because he knows that he cannot tamper with them as long as they have that garment on their lives. This garment is a holy garment; so satan's age long strategy to remove the garment of glory from a man's destiny is to introduce sin into the man's life. I pray that the enemy will not be able to strip you of the garment of glory, in Jesus’ name. If you are in a position of glory in ministry, family, business or career, abide in the holiness of God because that is the security and sustenance of your garment of glory.
Your prayer daily should be that God should clothe you with the heavenly garment of glory that the enemy cannot take away. When God clothes you with glory, you will never see shame. This is the prayer of Paul, For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked: 2 Cor 5:2-3. Nakedness stands for shame. I pray that you will neither see shame nor be found naked. The garment of glory will be upon your destiny continually in life and eternity.

* Father, You clothed the flower of the field with glory, clothe me Lord with Your glory.
* Lord, the enemy shall not strip me of my glory, in Jesus' name.

God is not a man, He cannot lie, His promises for my destiny shall not fall to the ground, in the name of Jesus.


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