Friday 25 November
READ: I Sam. 30: 1- 8
MORE LESSON: I Sam. 30:18-19
David was attacked by the enemy and all he had was taken from him. He was weak, discouraged and wanted to give up on life. Even his men were crying and decided to stone him but David encouraged himself in the Lord. At this time, David asked the Lord and the Lord told him to do something that we can learn from.
These are days that men that want to amount to something worthwhile in destiny cannot afford to wait around for results to drop on their lap anymore. This is the age when men understand that you have to go and get it if you must have it. Friend, you cannot sit down in one place waiting for opportunities anymore. These are days when you must go forth and create the opportunity that you seek. If all you do is to sit at the same place fasting, praying and memorising the Bible until thy kingdom come, you may have a good certificate in spirituality and memory verses but as far as results are concerned on this earth, you will be in lack.
Fasting, prayer and reading the Bible are vital in succeeding in life. However, David got to a very crucial stage of his life when he had no strength left to fast, pray or make faith confessions. The Lord at that time told him that the only rescue for his situation was to pursue. The mentality that will rescue your destiny is that of an ardent pursuant. At the point of crisis, the Lord looked David in the face and told him to pursue if he must recover his lost possession.
Victory in life is for those who are ready to pursue it. Men that will get to the place of fulfilment in destiny are not men that leave things to chance; they are men that hold to the Word of God and pursue after what the Lord has promised them. Luke 16:16 says, The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. These are days when each man must press into his own portion. According to the Scripture, From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it: Matt 11:12-13 (NIV).
Academic excellence will not fall into your pocket; pursue it. Prosperity will not come by wishing; it will only come when you take steps to pursue. Greatness and victory in spiritual warfare must be pursued. Success doesn't happen accidentally, it must be pursued. A man can fail by mistake but no one ever succeeds by mistake. You can't achieve continual lasting success by mistake. You only achieve such level of success when you deliberately pursue it. Today, God's word to you is that you should pursue and you will overtake and recover all.
* I receive grace to keep moving forward in destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not faint or give up in the fight of destiny.
* I receive grace to refine and to launch out again where I have failed.
God is my Father, He is the owner of times and seasons, His appointed time for me shall not fail, in the name of Jesus.