Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Lion Slayer

Wednesday 14 December
READ: I Sam. 17:33-37
MORE LESSON: Judg. 14: 5 - 6

When David was to be launched into his glorious destiny in Israel, he had to face a giant called Goliath. Nobody gave him a chance to bring down the giant but that is because they didn't know the dealings of God in the secret place that had worked strength into this teenager. When Saul told David that he could not fight the Philistine giant because he was only a boy, he gave King Saul a response that I find particularly faith lifting. David said to Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: and I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.v34-36.
David had an unprecedented testimony, he was there in the secret place as a young boy and a lion and a bear came to attack the flock that he kept. The way the Scripture recorded it made it sound as if the lion and the bear came at the same time and this boy, without any ammunition, killed them both. In any case, even if the lion and the bear actually came at different times and he killed them without a single gun, that would have still been an outstanding feat. However if they came at the same time and he killed them both, that would be a wonder. I believe that it is possible for the lion and the bear to come at the same time and David killed them both, for with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1: 37).
It is the lions you slay when nobody watches that is the measure of your spiritual ability in God and determines the Goliaths you will be able to slay when a whole nation is watching. The Bible describes the devil as walking about as a roaring lion (I Pet. 5: 8). However, you are the slayer of the lion and the bear joined together. It is not you that should be running around that demons are pursuing you in your dream; use the power of the name of Jesus to slay them. Enough of running around to pastors for deliverance; it is time for you to be coming to tell your pastors the lions you have slain.
When David faced Goliath, he remembered that God had helped him to slay the lion and the bear before. Is there any victory that God has ever given you before? The last miracle is the key to imposing the one you need now.

* Father, by the revelation of Your Word, let every confrontation against my life bow, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the grace not to fear any evil lion but slay them, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I decree every satanic baggage that has made my journey in 2016 tough, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Agent of Transformation

Tuesday 13 December
READ: Eph. 5: 23 – 6: 4
MORE LESSON: Josh. 24: 15

The first institution that God made was the family. In the beginning when God created man and He found that Adam needed a help meet for him, He created the woman and that was the beginning of the institution called the family (Gen 2: 20-25). The family is very dear to the heart of God. When Jesus came to the earth, the very first miracle that was recorded that He did was at a marriage feast (John 2:1-11). It has a great implication to note that the Lord attended a wedding; it shows that the Lord has great regard and value for the home.
In the text of today, God is giving instructions as relating to the home and He compares the home with His precious Church. The institution of marriage is so esteemed by the Lord that He compares it with the Church that He shed His blood for. When we look at the situation of the home in our nations, we will realise that there is a great need to return to God's intent for us. Divorce is becoming fashionable in the society, homosexuality, same sex marriage and perversion are being advocated and men abandon their wives and go after young girls. These are onslaughts of the enemy against the home because the devil knows that if he can break the foundation of the home, the nation and the world will come crumbling down.
Incest is so rampant but families are covering it. The families involved say, ''don't let the world hear''. The wickedness in the nations is on the increase because the family and society have rejected God. God is the foundation of the home and the home is the foundation of the nation. When a home is not founded on God, His principles of godliness and righteousness, it is like building a house without a foundation. Psa. 11: 3 says, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We have to return to the foundation, parents need to teach their children the way of the Lord.
The healing and deliverance that any nation needs must begin from the home. If every family is what it ought to be, the nation will be what it ought to be. Do you know that even the problem of poverty and unemployment in the nation can only be dealt with at the home front? A poor nation is nothing but a nation of poor homes and so a wealthy nation will be made by wealth in the homes. When parents apply God's principles of prosperity and pass those principles of the Kingdom to their children, poverty will be eradicated from the home and subsequently from the whole nation.

* Ask God to heal all Christian homes that are going through challenges, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord that your home will fulfil His purpose and plan, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to build homes for all eligible spinsters and bachelors in the church, in Jesus’ name.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus

Monday, December 12, 2016

Handing over to the Almighty

Monday 12 December
READ: 1Sam.2:3-9
MORE LESSONS: Dan.4:28-37

There is a God who could make a king like Nebuchadnezzar in all his glory to become an animal. Nebuchadnezzar walked out of his bedroom as an animal. From the throne where he was bragging, he just noticed that he was going down on four and walked into the bush, he grew claws like an animal. The counsel of God was negatively fulfilled over him instantly. Yet God put disability in the subjects so that they saw but could not harm the “animal” or rebel against him when he came back to the throne. The Almighty God is greater than the greatest. I am talking about handing over the enemy from within and outside to the One who is capable of dealing with them.
The Bible says that the day Nebuchadnezzar was restored, he came and nobody challenged him to say, “This animal, why do you want to rule us?”For seven years God kept the throne and he ruled over his kingdom again. Today, you are going to say, “Father, do to every enemy within and without what you did to your enemies in the days of old”. He took Nebuchadnezzar and made him an animal, He sank Pharaoh in the Red Sea after killing all the first born of Egypt, disgraced and humiliated Goliath before his death. That is what God does to His enemies.
You are going to pray, “Father, every enemy that has insisted that my glory will not arrive, every enemy that dreams to remove my coat of many colours, do to them what you are known for doing to your enemies. When you finish, Oh God, let the glory fall upon me contrary to their desire.” Because Joseph eventually realised his destny, you too will get there. One day his brothers went to buy food in Egypt and they had to bow down to Joseph.
I want to guarantee you that by the time you finish this prayer the angels will have been dispatched. I bless you in Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy took from you I restore back to you; I deny the enemy access to any information they are using to destroy you, in the name of Jesus Christ. The information they have about you, I delete it, I destroy it! And I give you the right of way, go and achieve your goals. Receive flying colours today. I command that your glory cannot be covered, in the name of Jesus. You will not walk small in glory; you will walk in glory that cannot be covered. Before the end of this month you shall see your colours fly, you shall not be denied, in the name of Jesus. Today you will be located for the next level.

* Ask the Lord to undertake for you in all battles you are going through as the Lord of host.
* Ask the Lord to take glory in your situation and over your enemies.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holy Access

Sunday 11 December
READ: Matt.4:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psa.24:7-10

Of all the sense organs of the human system, the loss of sight for me is the most traumatic, especially for the blind that once saw. You lose the beauty of colours, scenery and God's blue sky and deep blue sea. The blind man has no access to anywhere except by aid. In our Christian journey, we are empowered to have access to God every moment of the day for as long as we are correctly connected to Him.
Any time we are disconnected from God, satan takes advantage to lure us into ungodly acts. In our passage for today, satan wanted to give Jesus an unholy access. In Matt.4:9, satan told Jesus- ...all these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me…. Did Jesus say He didn't have them? When Jesus wanted to answer, did He say satan lied and that he was not the owner of all the glory on the face of the earth? No, He left it for another day to pay back. After He died on the Cross of Calvary, the Bible says the veil of the holy of holies tore open, providing a holy access. Jesus then followed up to hell to take back from satan the very key he ceased from Adam in order to release the saints that were held captive from the days of old (Psa.24:7). No wonder the Bible says when Jesus resurrected, in the city of Jerusalem they saw the saints that died walking on the streets (Matt.27:51-52). People identified them. The glory that satan said was his own and he needed Jesus to worship him for a lease, Jesus went down to hell and got it from satan by the instrumentality of His shed blood. The moment He died on the cross of Calvary and paid the price, He walked up to satan and said, I have paid the price.
When a man pays for a product, the product goes home with him. Jesus got to the gate of hell and said “I have properties inside” and He began to quote the Scripture. In verse 7 of our second passage. Ye everlasting doors, symbolise all benefits that are shut against your destiny in their large numbers. I command the everlasting doors to be lifted that the King of glory may come in. If you want your destiny to open, open the door. Your success is at the door. Your breakthrough is at the door. Your glory is at the door. The manifestation of God is at the door, your children are at the door, your financial manifestation is at the door, just waiting for you to say, be ye lifted, ye everlasting doors.

* Give thanks to God for all that Jesus has accomplished for you.
* Claim all your benefits of health, success, victory, access and breakthrough that Jesus has gotten for you.
* Declare that satan will not get access to your life, home and destiny, in Jesus’ name.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus