Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Agent of Transformation

Tuesday 13 December
READ: Eph. 5: 23 – 6: 4
MORE LESSON: Josh. 24: 15

The first institution that God made was the family. In the beginning when God created man and He found that Adam needed a help meet for him, He created the woman and that was the beginning of the institution called the family (Gen 2: 20-25). The family is very dear to the heart of God. When Jesus came to the earth, the very first miracle that was recorded that He did was at a marriage feast (John 2:1-11). It has a great implication to note that the Lord attended a wedding; it shows that the Lord has great regard and value for the home.
In the text of today, God is giving instructions as relating to the home and He compares the home with His precious Church. The institution of marriage is so esteemed by the Lord that He compares it with the Church that He shed His blood for. When we look at the situation of the home in our nations, we will realise that there is a great need to return to God's intent for us. Divorce is becoming fashionable in the society, homosexuality, same sex marriage and perversion are being advocated and men abandon their wives and go after young girls. These are onslaughts of the enemy against the home because the devil knows that if he can break the foundation of the home, the nation and the world will come crumbling down.
Incest is so rampant but families are covering it. The families involved say, ''don't let the world hear''. The wickedness in the nations is on the increase because the family and society have rejected God. God is the foundation of the home and the home is the foundation of the nation. When a home is not founded on God, His principles of godliness and righteousness, it is like building a house without a foundation. Psa. 11: 3 says, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We have to return to the foundation, parents need to teach their children the way of the Lord.
The healing and deliverance that any nation needs must begin from the home. If every family is what it ought to be, the nation will be what it ought to be. Do you know that even the problem of poverty and unemployment in the nation can only be dealt with at the home front? A poor nation is nothing but a nation of poor homes and so a wealthy nation will be made by wealth in the homes. When parents apply God's principles of prosperity and pass those principles of the Kingdom to their children, poverty will be eradicated from the home and subsequently from the whole nation.

* Ask God to heal all Christian homes that are going through challenges, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord that your home will fulfil His purpose and plan, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to build homes for all eligible spinsters and bachelors in the church, in Jesus’ name.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus


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