Monday, December 19, 2016

Path Way to Wealth

Monday 19 December
READ: Gen. 25: 5 -6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37: 25

The Bible says that Abraham gave all he had to his son Isaac (Gen 25: 5). Everything a father has belongs to the son by right. The sons of the concubines only got gifts but Isaac got the inheritance. This shows that a son has the certificate of ownership by birth, as Isaac had the right of ownership of all that Abraham possessed, by birth.
If God is your father, then you are not a poor man. You have the right of ownership by inheritance. I have discovered that poverty is a choice and wealth is also a choice. Many people argue when we make this statement. The reason is that such a statement places the responsibility of their poverty or wealth squarely on their shoulder. The truth is that you can choose to be rich and you can choose to be poor. The day a man makes the choice to be rich, he sets out deliberately to discover principles of wealth and work with them. Your heavenly Father is rich and you have an inheritance of wealth but you must make a deliberate effort to possess your inheritance.
Money doesn't have favourites. Money is not a citizen of any nation. There are beggars in America just as there are beggars in Nigeria. It is disheartening to see believers, Abraham's children, go around begging. When you make God your father, silver and gold become yours. As long as you are a child of God, then what belongs to Him also belongs to you. The first step to becoming wealthy is to become a child of the Possessor of Heaven and earth.
Psa. 37: 25 says, I have been young and now am old, I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children begging bread. Righteousness means compliance with the principles of God. The reason many beg bread is because they constantly violate the principles that God has put in place for wealth. After being born again, the next step in becoming wealthy is righteousness – being in right alignment with God's principles. You must deliberately search out the principles and commit yourself to fulfilling them even when it is difficult. This is where the choice comes in; you have the choice to search for the principles or remain ignorant and you also have the choice to obey or disobey. One of such principles is kindness to others.
I heard the true life story of a woman who has been kind to people and her son travelled to go and borrow money in a far place. As the son passed by a church, the Lord spoke expressly to someone in the church that there was a young man passing in front of the church who was going somewhere to beg for money. The Lord asked the man in church to go and give him some money and thus stopped the young man from continuing on his journey to borrow. His mother's righteousness spoke for him.

* Ask God to lead you by His Spirit to secret riches in dark places, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to visit all your seeds to humanity and His kingdom and bring you abundant reward, in Jesus’ name.

I command every satanic seal and embargo over my destiny to be broken by the force of Heaven today, in the name of Jesus.


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