Tuesday 27 December
READ: Mark 5: 1 - 19
MORE LESSON: Matt. 9:18
Some years ago, my spiritual mentor was running an open air crusade in Makurdi, Nigeria. He asked me to pray and say a few words before he came up to preach. I began to read the text of today and spoke about the ferocious mad man who eventually sat down at the feet of Jesus, clothed and transformed such that nobody could recognise him anymore. Thereafter, my father came up and as he was ministering, the power of God fell. A popular mad man in the town began to walk towards the crusade ground. As he headed straight towards the altar, people began to step back and make way for him. They knew who he was and so no one dared to come near to hold him. No usher or protocol dared come near him. He went straight to the altar, stood before the preacher, and asked, “What am I doing here?'' He was ministered to and asked to sit there with the people on the altar. He replied that he couldn't sit there as he was not properly dressed. You have to understand that whenever a mad man discovers that he is wearing rag, he has become sane.
The mad man of Gadarenes met Jesus and his madness disappeared (Mark 5: 1 -19). Whenever Jesus shows up, whatever has been wrong in men becomes right. Whenever King Jesus shows up, what was ruling men on the inside and making them behave contrary is over-ruled by Jesus. So madness, sickness, death and every other thing that rule man negatively bow when Jesus rules. Mark 6:56 bears record. When they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognised Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well. The wonders that Jesus performed were evidence of His Kingship. Jesus is King; even madness, sickness, poverty, negative situations and circumstances recognise His Kingship and submit to Him.
Today, everything that has been ruling you to your detriment bows to the Kingship of Jesus permanently. Jesus is King; tell your situation the King is born. Command your pain and adversity to bow to the new born King on your inside and it will surprise you what God can do. Since Jesus was born in me I have never looked up to anything anymore. I don't serve or worship any other king, since Jesus became my King. Thankfully therefore, nothing has dared to demand worship from me, be it sin, hell, satan or affliction. I simply tell them, I shall serve no other god other than the Saviour of my life, and guess what? They all bow and leave.
*Command every throne contrary to Jesus that has been set up in your life to be destroyed by fire.
* Enthrone Jesus over your home, children, health and your life.
Today, I see the face of grace and glory, to triumph over evil and to prevail where others tumble, in the name of Jesus.
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