Thursday, December 22, 2016

Forgiveness by the Blood

Thursday 22 December
READ: I John 2: 1-2
MORE LESSONS: Prov 28: 13

An important dimension to forgiveness is the need to forgive yourself of the mistakes and errors of the past so that you can overcome guilt and inferiority complex. You might be disappointed about some things you have done in the past but you need to rise again from the fall and go ahead with God. Satan rejoices in seeing us fall into sin and remain fallen, but God rejoices in seeing us get up and overcome sin. The devil always tries to remind you of the sins and mistakes of yesterday. When satan reminds you of your yesterday, you should remind him of the cross. There may be imperfections and mistakes as we live day to day but we shouldn't because of this give up on ourselves. We must learn to accept that we occasionally stumble.
Forgiving oneself is part of the blessings of the cross. A lot of people today are in crisis because they cannot forgive themselves. We should deal with guilt by the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy will not use it against us. A guilty conscience is dangerous. Most suicide cases stem from a feeling of being disappointed about something and refusing to accept help. Not forgiving oneself can be as a result of pride, as some feel too big about a mistake they made that they find it difficult to forgive themselves.
This pride gives room to satan to penetrate deeper into their lives. When you refuse to forgive yourself, you simply believe that no future or opportunity exists for you anymore. But I am glad to announce to you today that through the Blood of Jesus, there is a better tomorrow for you, My little children, these things have I written unto you that ye sin not: I John 2:1. Sin can never be justified no matter who commits it; sin has no approval in scriptures, But if any man sin…, That is a conditional statement. God doesn't expect or want us to sin but He made a provision in case it happens. …we have an advocate with the Father.
An advocate is one who pleads on behalf of another. Jesus who died on the cross of Calvary is our advocate with the Father, who pleads our case. He knows our frame and because of His righteousness, He can stand before the Father from where He points to His Blood on the cross to obtain forgiveness for us. If God has forgiven us, we should forgive ourselves. Calvary, therefore, is the place for self forgiveness, And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world: v2. No matter what you have done, today, it is time to say, 'Jesus, I accept Your gift of forgiveness.'

* Father, I am released from every guilt that unforgiveness has brought upon me and I accept the forgiveness by the blood of Jesus.
* I declare, no more will I walk under the condemnation of satan because I have been forgiven.

Angels of blessing, visit me today as you visited Abraham and Sarah at the crucial time of their life, in the name of Jesus.


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