Monday, December 5, 2016

His Return

Monday 5 December
READ: : Matt 24:36-44
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 12

In history, there have been times when someone would stand up and predict a date that Jesus was coming back. There have been prophetic 'date-fixing' of when the world will end and many were swayed by these 'fixtures'. At a particular occasion, a date was fixed by someone who claimed that God told him that Jesus would arrive on that day. Several people sold their possessions so that they could quickly enjoy the money before the end of time. Unfortunately, the day came and went and nothing happened. The Bible states categorically, ...of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only: Matt 24:36. Jesus said only the Father knows the time and the hour of His Coming.
Though the day and the hour is not known, it is still a surety that the Lord Jesus will soon return. A lot of people do not believe that Jesus will come back again. However, what benefit is there if Jesus came as He did the first time, He suffered, shed His blood and died and went to Heaven and never return. If the first coming of Jesus is all there is to Him, then Jesus was merely a martyr. The truth is that Jesus is not just a martyr, He is the Saviour, Lord and returning King. He promised that He was going to Heaven to prepare a place for His own and He added that He will come back and take them to where He is. In John 14: 3 Jesus said, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. He has gone to prepare a place and He is coming to take us there, that should be enough a reason for all to prepare, so that we will not miss the place He has prepared.
Since He is coming back and we do not know the time but we know that it could be any moment from now, what should we do? We should be ready for every hour so that whatever hour He returns, you will be ready to receive Him. Talking about His return, Jesus reinstated, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away: Matt 24:35. Jesus meant every word He said and wants you to be sure that His return is certain. It is as certain as death for every natural man, it will certainly come but no man knows the time. The Lord will return, live your life in active preparation, not in fear, being aware that as you live for Him, His return is to your joy and advantage.

* I declare today and forever my eyes are fixed and ready for His return.
* I refuse to be distracted by either delay or false doctrine concerning His return.
* I declare that nothing in life is worth making me to miss the first flight.

Today, God will honour my destiny, strengthen my future and uphold my blessing, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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