Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Testimony

Wednesday 7 December
READ: I Sam. 17:33-36
MORE LESSON: Rev. 12: 11

Testimonies are needed in these days more than ever, as clouds of doubt about God's ability loom over people's hearts. People confess God's ability but seek for alternatives in life. This is because their hearts are shaking when it comes to real trust in the power of God. This was the same for the nation of Israel in the face of Goliath and the host of Philistine. The Israelites confessed with their mouths that God was powerful but none was ready to stake his life to face the giant until a young boy showed up with his testimony.
When David wanted to fight Goliath, the people didn't believe in him because he had no evidence and track record. All that David had was his sling and a bag of sling stones and these were not enough. However, David had something extraordinary in addition to this; he had a testimony. Testimonies equip you and others to face battles and overcome. Testimonies make your faith in God to be so strong that it strengthens the faith of others. David said that a lion and a bear had come to attack his sheep and by the power of God, he slew them both. The lion and the bear either came one after the other and he killed them or better still, they came at the same time and he slew them both. When people heard this supernatural testimony, they believed in the God of David.
It was the testimony of David that equipped him to defeat Goliath. It was the testimony of David that strengthened Israel. Every testimony is the key to the next one. The testimony of your success last year should be the ladder to your greater success this year. And your failure last year is also the stepping stone to the success of this year; just turn it to a testimony. Paul the Apostle had challenges of shipwreck, hunger, persecutions, scourging and accidents but he turned them to testimonies that equipped him to achieve more for God (2 Cor. 11:25). You will succeed where you have failed before and where you have succeeded before, you will have greater success. All you have to do is to engage the power of the testimonies of God from your life and the lives of others, The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat: Prov. 15:30.

* I declare today that where I failed before I shall rise again, in Jesus’ name.
* I know that my Redeemer lives, therefore I can face tomorrow.
* I receive a greater and better ending over my small beginning, in Jesus’ name.

Father, even to the last second of this month, Your promise of progress over my life will continue to be at work, in the name of Jesus.


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