Thursday 1 December
READ: Jam. 4: 7
MORE LESSON: Isa. 14: 12 -15
The devil's history is full of defeat upon defeat. In Isa. 14: 12 – 15, we see how he was defeated. When he tried to raise himself against God he was cast down to hell. He was defeated by Michael and his angels (Rev. 12:7-8). Jesus gave him an eternal defeat at the cross. At resurrection, Jesus took the keys from his hands and crushed him underfoot (Rom 16: 20). The devil has suffered much defeat but he needs to suffer more defeat in your hands as well so that his defeat can be full. When you give your life to Jesus, you defeat the devil. Each time he makes any attempt and you rebuke in the name of Jesus, you add to his woes and defeat. This is the reason the Bible encourages us to resist the devil and that he will flee from us (Jam. 4: 7).
The Lord defeated satan and He gets happy seeing you heap more defeat on his head. The people of the world say that when you eat with the devil, you should eat with a long fork. But then people with understanding say that you should not eat with the devil at all. Eat your own and let him eat his own separately. However, I add that you should not even allow him to eat at all. Eat your own and if he wants to eat, look for him and scatter his meal. Do not allow the devil a breathing space (Eph 4: 27).
Jesus went about looking for those that were oppressed by the devil and freeing them (Acts 10: 38). He went around destroying the works of the devil ( 1 John 3: 8). So also you should go around causing pain to the devil. You do this by getting souls saved, people healed, devils cast out, men delivered and the gospel advanced. The Bible says that you should submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Don't regard satan as a threat, treat him as the defeated person. When your life is in submission to Jesus Christ, when you confront satan, it wouldn't be you fighting him but Jesus in you. The same Lord Jesus who crushed the head of the devil lives in you. So when you resist the devil in the name of Jesus, he remembers his defeat on the cross of Calvary by the blood of Jesus. He sees that same Jesus in you, and he therefore takes to his heels.
The devil cannot rule over you, except you submit yourself to him. However, when you submit to Jesus, you become the master over the devil because Jesus the Master Himself lives in you. As you walk confidently in the light of your position in Jesus Christ, I proclaim you more than victorious over every satanic wile, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I declare I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
* Oh God, destroy every work of satan in my life, in the name of Jesus.
* Release fire against satan and his cohorts over your life and destiny.
Jesus, thank You for the love that kept and sustained me from January to December, I praise You to the high heavens, in Jesus' name.
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