Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Urgency of His Coming

Saturday 3 December
READ: I Thess. 4: 17
MORE LESSON: I Thess. 5: 3

One of the things noticeable in the life of the early Christians is that the coming of the Lord was so real and urgent to them that they expected it to meet them alive. Even Apostle Paul who lived nearly 2000 years ago talked like he expected the rapture to happen in his lifetime. Paul, writing in 1 Thess 4: 17, says, ...we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. He didn't say that those who will be alive when we are gone will be caught up with the Lord. This shows the urgency that the early believers attached to the coming of the Lord. In fact, the very disciples of Jesus expected that some of them would not see death until they see the coming of the Lord (John 21: 23).
If the coming of the Lord was this urgent on believers 2000 years ago, then you should be challenged to carry the message of His coming with greater urgency today. If these men declared about two thousand years ago that the return of the Lord was close, then how much closer it is right now. The missing link in the coming of the Lord is the urgency of the Church in preparing and carrying this message, The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely: Rev 22:17. The Church is the Bride of Christ; you are the bride, your urgency in His coming is important.
All the signs for the return of the Lord as declared in the Bible have been fulfilled. From Matt. 24: 6 – 31, we see signs like nations arising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, earthquakes, famine and noisome pestilence, deceit and the increased preaching. In the media, we see so much preaching going on in fulfilment of this prophecy. This prophecy was made more than 2000 years ago and all the predictions that were written have come to pass. The coming of the Lord is upon us.
The only thing that we need to add is a sense of urgency in approaching the issue of the coming of the Lord. This urgency should show in the way we talk about His coming, the way we witness and the way we live on a daily basis in preparation for His coming. The coming of the Lord is upon us; give it all the urgency it demands.

* Father, because the time is short, help the Church to spread the gospel faster, in Jesus’ name.
* I command today that every closed door against the gospel be opened, in Jesus’ name.
* Father send labourers and make me one, in Jesus’ name.

December, I prophesy to you, in the name of the Lord, whatever belongs to me that you are still holding today, release them, in the name of Jesus.


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