Tuesday 20 December
READ: Job 8: 7
MORE LESSON: Exo. 14: 15
It is important to know what causes stagnation in life so that you can know how to step out of it. When you know the potholes of life that cause stagnancy, you will know how to come out it if you find yourself in that situation. Stagnation means to stay at one level for a long time without moving forward. A man can be stagnant in his spiritual experience. A person who got born-again, was praying for ten minutes a day and after many years he is at that level of 10 minutes prayer, is stagnant. A man who starts a small shop and after so many years the business is still at that level is stagnant. A child of God is permitted to start small but he is not allowed to stay small. This is why Job 8: 7 says, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.
The first pothole that people fall into and stagnates is ignorance. The greatest mountain in a man's life is the mountain of ignorance. The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...: Hosea 4: 6. Even people that are unsaved are so on the basis of ignorance as the Bible says that the god of this world blinded the eyes of the people who refuse to be saved ( 2 Cor. 4: 4). The devil caused them to be ignorant of the gospel even when they hear it. Ignorance is deadly. This is why you must go for knowledge in your life, work, field and calling. If you are a tradesman or craftsman, there are new innovations and styles. If you are practising your trade or field the way it was done ten years ago, it will lead to poverty. You must go for training, exposure, courses, learn new things and develop new competencies if you want to move forward.
Another pothole that people fall into is the pothole of fear. Some people are so afraid of taking steps that they stay in one place for ever. Some are afraid of attempting anything new because of the fear of failure. If you want everything to be safe and certain before you move, you will never move. It is better to try and fail than to stay in one place without trying. Moreover, as a child of God, you will not fail. As you commit your ways to God, get wise counsel from the right people and rise again even in the face of a temporary setback, you will realise that victory is sure for you.
The last pothole that will be considered today is the pothole of idleness. There is no future for a lazy person. Moving forward only answers to working at it. True progress has to be worked for, not begged for. Today, in the name of Jesus, I decree your deliverance from these potholes and announce the beginning of your continual progress, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to move you forward by all means, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, receive deliverance from every force of stagnation, in Jesus’ name.
* Break the force of idleness, in Jesus’ name.
I am a covenant member of the common wealth of Israel, my portion will reach me this year, it shall not go to another, in the name of Jesus.