Saturday 24 December
READ: 1 Cor. 11: 1
MORE LESSONS: Mark 10: 35-45
Being a leader is a huge responsibility which is given to us and for which we must give account. Christian leadership, contrary to the world system, is not about seeking title, position or power but commanding emulation through positive spiritual influence. Spiritual leadership is about your life being a worthy example to people spiritually and in other aspects of daily life. Each time you exert positive influence on people's lives, you are leading. This is the reason why when a person gets saved through you, it is said that you led him or her to Christ. A wise man once said, You are a leader if you have ever attempted to get someone to do something right. Another wise man said, If your actions inspire others to learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader.
This understanding makes leadership accessible, available and possible for all and sundry; you mustn't be president, chairman or head before you lead. You can lead whatever your position in an organisation, group or family. All you have to do is to be a positive influence and add value to that place with or without recognition. Christian leadership is not about having all the privileges and having every one serving you. It is about serving others. It is pouring your life and resources to further God's cause and the welfare of the people. If there is somewhere or somebody whom you can serve with your God-given ability, you are already progressing in leadership.
Christian leadership is about caring, nurturing and raising people; it is both a privilege and a responsibility. You can exercise leadership as a father or mother in the family, as a person positively impacting your friends, a teacher or coach influencing young people for Christ; you can exercise leadership one-on-one. It is not only when you face a crowd or you are in a big position that you are in leadership. In fact, it is faithfulness to God in little and seemingly unimportant areas of leadership and tasks that you do either in church, at work or at home that determines how God commits bigger things to your hands, He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much: Luke 16:10.
Christians should not lobby, seek or rush into leadership positions, most especially in the Body of Christ. They should allow God to place them according to the measure of grace He has given them, Don't be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards: James 3:1 (The Message). However, if God has made you a leader, His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness. I pray you will not fail in your assignment, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for grace to be a leader indeed.
* Pray that you will not fail in your responsibility as a leader and that you will not mis-use the privilege.
* Pray for the leaders of your local assembly.
As the pregnancy of Jesus could not be aborted despite all satanic anger, so shall my destiny survive all attacks, in the name of Jesus.