Wednesday 28 December
READ: Prov. 18:10-16
MORE LESSONS: Dan. 5: 1-17, 29
A man of God once said, Several people are looking for relevance and significance outside themselves whereas what makes a man important is what comes out from him.
Many people live and die without finding relevance, not because they are not created to be famous but because they seek relevance in the wrong places. What you are looking for outside is inside. What makes a man relevant and important is on his inside. The only way to find relevance and importance is for you to locate that valuable gift inside of you and start working at it. Stop striving or lobbying with people for relevance, concentrate on working out the gifting of God inside you and giving it out.
If you need to get more training to bring out the relevance on your inside, please do. First, locate where your relevance is and then relate with people from there. If what you need to bring out the potential on your inside is relationship, then break the wrong relationships that will not take you to where you are going and pay the price for the right type of relationship. It may take time but you have to put yourself there by service. You can get to a church or an organisation and in one month become more relevant than someone who has been there for 10 years. All it takes is putting what is inside you into use. When you first enter a place, don't start looking for what to get or take away, look for what you can add. This is because what you add determines your value and relevance.
The point is, to be relevant in any relationship or community, among other things, learn to serve. Service makes a man prominent and noticeable. When the Bible says that a man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men (v16), it is not only referring to what you have as a talent, it also means what you have to offer. The New Living Translation puts it this way, Given a gift can open doors; it gives access to important people! So what makes you relevant in life is not what you get but what you give, either in sacrifice or in service, or in offering to God and to man. People like Solomon in the Scripture and others in contemporary times have shot themselves into limelight by giving extra- ordinarily and the same opportunity still exists for you too today. Choose to be relevant, go for service.
* Father, help me to discover what You have deposited in me for my relevance and greatness.
* I renounce anything that can rob a man of value and relevance, in Jesus' name.
No evil shall be repeated in my destiny, failure shall not come a second time, I'm destined to win, in the name of Jesus.