Wednesday 4 January
READ: Gen. 1: 2 - 3
MORE LESSON: John 1:1 - 5
In the beginning, when God was to create all things, the whole earth was void and formless. The earth was in a chaotic state because darkness was on the face of the deep (Gen. 1: 2). Everywhere darkness reigns, there is chaos, void and formlessness. Even God had a chaotic situation on His hands as long as darkness was allowed to rule on the earth. He had to command light to come so that order could be brought into the world. Enough of disorder in your life; enough of confusion and hopelessness – let there be light.
Everything responds to light. When light comes, darkness fades away. God commanded light to come in the beginning and from there He could solve every other problem. It is only when the light problem is solved that every other problem can be solved. It is when a man is born again and spiritual light comes that every other problem of his life can receive solution. Even in a nation, until the light (power) problem is solved, the economy, social development and infrastructure cannot respond. We have to learn from the all-wise God of Creation, He didn't try to solve all the problems at once even though He is powerful enough to; He started by addressing the light problem. He thereafter attended to the other problems one by one.
What you need in your life is light; when you have light, everything else will fall in place. You may be hungry and poor now, when light comes, it will subsequently put food on your table and wealth in your house. Do you know that even the food that all creation eats is synthesised by light? The process of photosynthesis is the basis for all the food that we eat. John 1: 4 says, In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. Light is life; the more light you have, the more life you have.
If your destiny is currently buffeted by any form of darkness, you have to declare light just as God did. The same Spirit of God that decreed light over darkness in the beginning lives in you, so you can decree light and dispel all darkness in your life, For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ: 2 Cor 4:6.
* Declare that the challenges associated with the early stages of life will not stop you, in Jesus’ name.
* Let there be (Mention your desires), in the mighty name of Jesus.
From the rising of the sun to the going down of same throughout 2017, I shall not record loss in any area of my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.