Friday 7 April
READ: Gen.1:27-31
God's works daily declare God’s glory, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork: Psa. 19:1. Among all of God's creation none shares the image of God except man, I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High: Psa. 82:6. God in His infinite wisdom chose to make you and I the high point of His creation, the only one made just like Him; that is why you must be careful what you say about yourself.
Some abuse parts of their body and say negative things about themselves. Repent of all such today, you are special to God and He made you in His image. You have nose because God has one, eyes because He has eyes. What a glory to be made in the image of God. Rather take the stance of David the psalmist, I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well: Psa.139:14. Does your soul recognise this fact? Start praising God for how you are made, your physical features, temperament and talents. You are uniquely packaged as you. Accept your unique colour, height, voice, gifts and calling. Cease to compare yourself to others. Learn good attributes and attitude from others but accept who you are. It's being echoed to you this glorious day that you are special.
The biblical value of how special you are does not just end with being made in God's image. You are of great worth and value to God. The simplest way to know the worth of something to someone is by how much that person is willing to pay for that thing. God was willing to pay the greatest price with His Son's life to redeem mankind from the penalty of sin. Would God have paid that great price for a nobody? No; you are special.
Know this today that even if you are not sure of the love of any other, God loves you. Jer.31:3 says, ...Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. He loves you so much and paid the price for you to become a member of His family. Accept His love today by receiving the Lord Jesus into your heart and surrender all that you are to Him. If you are already a member of His family, appreciate God for all He did and is still doing to ensure your special place in His kingdom is kept. Walk tall today because you are the son of the Most High. Do not let anyone nor any situation put you down; even when you fail, rise again because God your Father is at hand to help you.
* Lord, thank You for making me special and unique in Your own image and likeness, in Jesus’ name.
* Hence forth I will walk as the child of the Most High, never bowing my head in shame because I know that I am special.
There is a breaking forth into new grounds for me this new month and satan cannot stop it, in the name of Jesus.