Sunday May
READ: 2Sam. 17:27-29
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 6:8-9
In our text, David was going through a wilderness experience. He had been driven out of the palace in Jerusalem by his own son, Absalom; his trusted friend Ahitophel had taken counsel against him. His concubines had been defiled publicly by his son, Absalom. The king had been humiliated and driven into the wilderness together with his royal troop with no food, or provision. All was hot and dry.
Then God sent three men with abundant provision to refresh David in the wilderness. This is the way God works. When you find yourself in the wilderness of life for whatever reason, He sends provision to refresh you, so that even in the wilderness you can blossom. When Israel was crossing the wilderness into their inheritance in Canaan, God gave them abundance of manna, meat and water from the Rock that followed them, to refresh their souls. The Lord will never leave nor forsake His people. What is it that you have been going through? In what wilderness experience have you found yourself? The Lord is there for you even in the wilderness. He will supply all that you need. He will send helpers who will bring provisions that you need. Even in the wilderness, God is still a God of provision, He will furnish a table in the wilderness.
The only question today is, Who hath believed our report? Isa.53:1. Who is ready to believe that God can do all things, including turning a wilderness to a table of provision,
The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly…: Isa.35:1-2.
No matter the dry situation you are going through, call Jehovah to it. Hand over your position, debts, financial crisis to Him and leave them there with Him. If you believe in the power that makes the wilderness to blossom as the rose, you will see the miracle of the Lord.
* Lord wherever I find myself, I shall prosper and blossom, in Jesus’ name.
* I reverse every dry situation around my life today, in Jesus’ name.
Today, every curse of back-to-square one working in my life and destiny, break now, in the name of Jesus.