Friday 5 May
READ: Phil.2:12-16
MORE LESSONS: 1Cor.9:24-27
It is one thing to be born again, it is another to keep your salvation until Jesus comes. There is no doubt that God who saved you has the will and power to keep you to the end (2 Tim. 1:12). However, our text urges, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: Phil.2:12. Someone may ask, If I was saved by grace through faith, why do I still need to work out my salvation? It is because there is a part you must play to keep the salvation God has wrought for you.
Some steps are helpful in this regard: 1) You are to live a life of obedience to the Word of truth, whether your leader or any other believer is there or not. 2) Don't murmur or complain. God brought out Israel from Egypt with great power to take them to Canaan. But those who decided to give themselves to murmuring and complaining all perished in the wilderness. It was the intention of God to take them to Canaan, but they aborted that plan by their behaviour. 3) Be blameless sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Let your conduct be such that even those who hate you will have no ground to fault you. 4) Be the shining light in your corner; dare to be different and unique. The popular saying, if you are in Rome, behave like a Roman or if you can’t beat them, join them, does not apply in the Christian walk. Don't do something because everyone around you is doing it. They could be wrong. When you are in doubt over any matter, ask your pastor. 5) Hold fast the confession of your faith. There are many false teachers and prophets in town, who are agents of satan to confuse young minds. Give yourself to the study of God's Word. 6) Always attend prayer and fellowship meeting where you learn more about God and obtain grace to be obedient to the Word.
God does not intend to abandon you on the way. Yet, as you can see in verse 16, it is possible to run in vain, and void the works of those who laboured over you (preached to you, followed you up, and taught you the way of the Lord). The desire of every spiritual leader is to see his flock blessed here on earth and make it to Heaven. Your success is one of the bases on which he will be rewarded in Heaven. So you are part of the stars on his crown on the last day. If you fail to make it to the end, he will have laboured in vain. You must make up your mind not to disappoint yourself and your spiritual leaders. Run according to the rules. Be focused on the prize for the upward call of God. Indeed, there is an incorruptible crown awaiting you if only you will run steadily to the end.
* Ask God for the wisdom you need to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that your Christian journey will not be terminated by carelessness or any other arrow of hell, in Jesus’ name.
Father, my eyes are on You, visit me all- around and let there be a turn around in my entire life, in the name of Jesus.
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