Monday 29 May
READ: . 27:30-40.
MORE LESSON Monday: Heb. 4:16
The story of Esau has been told us from kindergarten. We know about the cause and consequences of Esau's action hatred . Esau no doubt that that attracted God’s judgment and (Mal. 1:2-3) to himself by being noncha ahead lant about his birthright. He lived out the prop went of him from the womb (Gen. 25:23). In Gen. 27:1, Esau is seen as the beloved son of Isaac who qualified for and was entitled to Isaac's blessing but thieves of destiny were privy to Isaac's intention to bless Esau. Say to yourself: “My blessings can only be delayed, I will not be denied”. Esau's destiny was hijacked by the subtlety of his own mother and brother and he narrowly missed his blessing (v30).
However, Esau rescued his destiny by insisting that his father give him just one blessing. When you access one blessing from God, you are made. Esau did not give up. What did he do? He wept aloud and he waited before his father without shame (Heb. 4:16). What do you do with what you believe in? Many of us have been quiet in pain for too long. It is time to ask the Father for just a blessing.
Become agitated in your spirit that the dominion of the oppressor might come under your feet (vs39-40). Put your past behind you like Esau did in Gen. 33:4, and move forward so that you can access your blessings and have the testimony of Esau (Gen. 33:9).
Let this new glory not pass you by, stand up, be restless and take your stand as a child of God. He loves you; He proclaimed this Himself when He sent Jesus to redeem you (Jn. 3:16). Take advantage of God’s promises and be persistent; pray especially when it seems all hope is lost. Do like the persistent widow in Lk. 18:1-10. There is hope for you if you don't give up holding on to God. He is the God of a second chance. If one is lost, there is hope for another. Stir up your spirit and call on God for help today.
* Declare that your blessings would not be denied you, in Jesus’ name.
* Call some of your expectations by name and declare that they shall not be denied you, in Jesus’ name.
I prophesy, today's goodness will reach me without fail, in the name of Jesus.
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