Friday, May 19, 2017

Dealing with a Deficit Future

Friday 19 May
READ: Luk. 15:11-24
MORE LESSONS: Hos. 10:12

A deficit future is a tomorrow that has been squandered today. There are many people squandering their tomorrow by the type of life they live today and they do not know it. Some of them are even doing it gladly, like the prodigal son. The story of the prodigal son is a lesson on the repercussion of riotous living. The prodigal son had a temporary immediate gain and pleasure, but he paid dearly later in life. The day the young man collected his inheritance prematurely, he left like a hero but then, a little while after, he began to gladly eat with pigs.
When you prematurely eat your evening meal in the morning, it will be pleasant, but in the evening, hunger will teach the lesson that night hunger can be deadly and the night becomes longer! Premarital sex can be pleasurable while it lasts but breeds barrenness and incurable diseases tomorrow. Stealing from your parents can make money available today just as, smoking, drinking and such vices are obviously pleasurable in the now, but the deficit is in the future. Whatever exists in you that will cause a sad, bankrupt future, I chase them out now. Your today will bring a happy tomorrow, in Jesus' name.
For a better tomorrow, stop living a wasteful life today. Begin to create reserves/savings for your tomorrow no matter how small; stop eating everything that comes to you. Reject anything that is sweet today but breeds sorrow tomorrow. Always ask yourself what the eternal result of what you are doing is, what contribution or otherwise is what you are doing now to your future? Thank God, the prodigal son came back to his reasoning; he took a bold step to go back home and found grace. You too can stop today; reason and ask God for help. Our God, the gracious Father of all prodigal children is still waiting to receive you if you can take a positive step today.
I release grace and favour for your recovery. Esau wept to recover but he didn't get it (Heb. 12:16-17) but you will get yours today, if you can seek God with sincere heart. Faith in the promise of God to forgive is the first step to your restoration. Have faith that God will forgive and restore you. Then take a definite step by confessing and asking God for forgiveness. Finally, take steps to correct whatever you consider that you have done wrong. Attach yourself to God’s Word, prayer, fellowship and godly counsellor. God, like the prodigal son’s father, has been waiting for you! Welcome to a new beginning.

* Ask for grace to be disciplined and patiently wait for the appropriate timing of God for you, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to redeem your future that you have wasted by your past acts, in Jesus’ name.

Father, nothing You advertised is ever rejected, advertise me to my generation, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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