Thursday 11 May
READ: 2 Cor. 6: 14 - 18
MORE LESSON: Gen 27: 46 – 28: 1
God is interested in the marriage of His children. This is why He has outlined certain rules that you must follow so that you will not partake of the sorrows and woes that befall the disobedient. Many times, singles ask questions on how to know God's will in marriage and how to know who to marry. One good way to know who to marry is first to know who not to marry.
The first commandment of God is that you should never marry an unbeliever. Child of God, don't marry the child of the devil so that you will not have the devil as your father-in-law. Anyone that Jesus Christ is not the Lord of his/her life is not yours to marry. Whether the person is a staunch unbeliever or an unbeliever-church-goer, just stay away from anyone whose salvation experience is not sure and evidential.
You should not marry a person who doesn't have a church that he/she belongs to. Even if he claims to be born-again and ardently follows television preachers, don't marry him. A man/woman who has no local church but only follows online and television preachers will give you untold problems. If you marry him/her, you will realise that in the day of trouble, there is no authority that he/she is answerable to. The television preacher doesn't even know both of you exist, so you cannot reach him when you need a counsellor for your affairs. A lot of so-called Christians do not believe in accountability to a local church or pastor, they only watch religious channels and claim they are born again; don't commit your future to them. Don't make that mistake of tying your life to a man/woman without an authority over his/her life. He/she will soon become a law to him/herself and all you will be able to do is cry. Crying will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name. The way out is to obey now and stay away from a person who is not answerable to a church or pastor over his life.
Don't marry someone who doesn't do anything in the church where he belongs. Here is someone who comes to church, but does nothing whatsoever as a contribution to the church, then he/she corners you unknown to the church and wants to marry you; don't marry him/her. You are to marry someone who loves and has passion for God. Nominal church members don't show passion for God. So the man/woman who comes to church for years, no one knows him/her, doesn't do anything and when the church service ends is already out before anybody is not a marriage material. The reason is that such a lifestyle doesn't denote a sense of responsibility. You need to marry a responsible husband/wife and a person who will be responsible at home will be responsible in the church.
* Lord, give grace to the unmarried to submit to God's will in marriage, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God for a godly home, in the mighty name of Jesus.
By the blood of Jesus, I decree that regular, repeated tragedies shall not be my portion this year, in the name of Jesus.
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