Wednesday 3 May
READ: John 3:1-8
MORE LESSONS: Acts 8:26-39
It is interesting to know how much the Gospel of Jesus Christ has prevailed in our time. Some years back, it was a sacrilege in many homes to be born again. You automatically became an outcast, an object of ridicule, one that missed his way in life. Today, it is fashionable to be born again. Even those who are yet to be saved hate to be called unbelievers. While this development in our time is glorious, it is necessary to review what it means to be born again so that no one lives on a false assumption that he or she is saved.
It is possible to be very devout, God-fearing, pray regularly, show kindness to fellow human beings, go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and read/study the Bible, yet you are not born again. From our text, Cornelius the Centurion was a devout man. Many Church leaders of our time cannot earn the commendation accorded Cornelius. Now consider the commendation: Cornelius (was) 1) A devout man. 2) Feared God with his entire household. 3) Gave much alms to the people, 4) Prayed to God always. 5) Had a vision in which an angel told him his works were noticed by God. Yet he needed to send to Peter at Joppa who had to tell him the way of salvation.
Another personality that God had to intervene in his matter to get him truly saved was the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39). This man went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He was even reading the Bible (the book of Isaiah) on his way back to Ethiopia. The Holy Spirit had to prompt Philip the evangelist along Gaza strip to explain the way of salvation to the eunuch. Are you truly born again? The two examples demonstrate the fact that you are not born again because of your good works or religious activities.
What then does it take to be truly born again? One must:
1. Admit and confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and put one’s total trust in His name: Rom.10:9-10; 10:13.
2. Turn from following satan and his agents to God: Acts 26: 17-18; 1Thess.1:9.
3. Be made a new person in character and affection by the power of the Holy Spirit: Titus 3:5; 2Cor.5:17.
4. Live a life that is solely dependent on God's Word and His Spirit: John 3:3-8; 1Pet. 1:23; Matt.4:4. You live by the Bible and are led by the Holy Spirit (this is what it is to be born of water and Spirit).
Think about these facts: Are you truly born again? Does your life manifest the issues raised above? You can surrender your life to Jesus today.
* Today, I make a public declaration (if you have done it before) I rededicate my life (if you have done it before) that I am born again, in Jesus’ name.
* Because of this declaration, I confess Jesus, I surrender to Him, I will live for Him, in Jesus’ name.
My Father, disgrace every power of financial shame that may be sent to my life in 2017, in the mighty name of Jesus.
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